Top K Meta Paths Discovery

Dataset Statistics


  • Number of Entities: 15648
  • Number of Edges: 51377
  • Types of Entities: A(Author), P(Paper), V(Venue), T(Topic)
  • Types of Edges: PA, PT, PV, PP


  • Number of Entities: 33920
  • Number of Edges: 1108934
  • Types of Entities: A(Author), P(Paper), V(Venue), C(Conference), T(Term), S(Subject), F(Affiliation)
  • Types of Edges: AF, PA, PC, PP, PS, PT, PV, VC


  • Number of Entities: 141972
  • Number of Edges: 996444
  • Types of Entities: movie, actor, country, director, grenre, location, tag, user
  • Types of Edges: movie_actor, movie_country, movie_director, movie_genre, movie_location, movie_tag, user_movie