
This is a python program that reproduce the Butterfly effect of the chaos theory, discovered by Robert May on 1975, and started by Poincaré

Primary LanguagePython


This is a python program that reproduce the Butterfly effect of the chaos theory, discovered by Robert May on 1975, and started by Poincaré

Explanation of this Theory :

What is very interesting with the theory of Chaos is that it demonstrated that one could not predict with determinism what was to become. It describes a constantly evolving process over time.

This theory proves that there is no real process that can be predicted.

Robert May's theory is very recent since it dates from 1975, although we already find under the pen of Poincaré at the end of the 19th century, the phenomenon of sensitivity to initial conditions, one of the two fundamental characteristics of the theory. of chaos (the second being the principle of recurrence).

In her formula, May recommended explaining that chaotic behavior (like the weather experiencing many, even small, changes in weather on a regular basis) can lead to another completely different system a few days later.

Image of the the butterfly effect

Picture of the butterfly effect produced by this theorem

The best-known illustration is the one called the “butterfly effect” which says “that a flapping of the wings of a butterfly in Brazil can cause a hurricane or a tornado in Asia”.

In other words, the most insignificant things can have an unsuspected and unsuspected impact on a close environment like another much more distant. In algebra, we also find this idea when we make an approximation.

For example, if we truncate pi to two decimal places (3.14 in this case), the repeated use of this approximation will generate results that are increasingly far from the reality that we want to show.

In Chaos theory, it is precisely the multiplicity of factors that makes any event unpredictable.

Copyright and all right reserved Mouad Hajbaoui