VFS Iran crawler

This is a very simple Crawler for VFS Global booking system. you can use it to login to VFS and get a new appointment.

Project setup

first install all dependencies:

npm install

then you need to add an .env file

You can use my captch api token for test (email me and I will give you token and Please do not use it for other purposes.).


# change this to proper vfs system you want. I used Iran netherlands by default as I need it for invite people from Iran at first

# create a vfs account and add to here

# your desired port to run sample app

then you can run or build the app for production or test env:

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run build:watch

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Libraries and frameworks:

1 - ExpressJS (just to create sample endpoint)

2 - Puppeteer - Headless browser to crawl the website


  • Documenting in a better way
  • The appointment system is not easy to crawl. you need to create multiple accounts to bypass them.
  • Write tests.
  • Add Typescript support


I'm not working on this repo anymore but if you have questions or something, I will be happy to help, contact me via: mhos.malek@gmail.com and I will try to help as much as I can.

Hope it's still OK and can be helpful to anybody who need to use it:)