
A Tinkercad projet for measuring weather details using sensors like temperature, photoresistor and gas sensor and sending it on ThingSpeak server using POST API


A Tinkercad projet for measuring weather details using sensors like temperature, photoresistor and gas sensor and sending it on ThingSpeak server using POST API.

Sensors Used

  1. TMP36
  2. Photoresistor
  3. Gas Sensor

Other Components

  1. Arduino UNO
  2. WI-Fi Module ESP8266
  3. LCD 16x2 Display

Communication Protocols

  1. Wi-Fi
  2. Using TCP/IP
  3. Transfer data to remote server
  4. Write API of ThingSpeak for transferring data

ThingSpeak Steup


You need to signup to the above website link and create a channel there. You have to create 3 fields of temperarure, light and gas sensor data. Copy the Write API from thingSpeak and replace it in the Tinkercad code.

Link for Circuit Design on Tinkercad
