An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support.
- 0shape
- 19200baud
- AdmilsonBrasil
- barissonmezIstanbul, TURKEY
- bdurbrow
- BleuLlamaUmlautLlama
- bodun56Ru
- chantling
- cql1983China
- curtpwNew York, New York
- cyberic99
- darnaiz
- dijitalxyz
- grayxrStockX
- houmeiself employed
- jamesdio
- JeffersonSantana
- jhcloos
- jormcSpain
- justxiGermany
- kalidem
- laserbeak
- leonardosalvatore
- mr-universe-guyOhio, USA
- Nshk
- ohsaruman
- OwenMcGirr
- PoulBundgaardOmnitec
- shgwoJPN
- sosher
- spaelectronicsSpa Electronics
- tiking
- unforgiven512Unforgiven Development
- yangbo1979anhui,China
- yevgen-grytsay
- zyoneeStockholm, Sweden