🧟💥🔫 This repository contains the Final Project and Lab Projects of Laboratório de Computadores

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains all the Labs done in the course Laboratório de Computadores, a 2nd year course in the Integrated Master's Degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering @ FEUP

Course Information

  • All the course's information can be viewed here.
  • All the course's content including lectures' presentations, labs and lab handouts can be viewed here.
  • The original repository used for grading can be viewed here.


Lab 2 - Timer

Grade: 84/100
Grade: 84/100

Lab 3 - Keyboard

Grade: 99/100
Grade: 82/100

Lab 4 - Mouse

Grade: 81/100
Grade: 92/100

Lab 5 - Graphics (VBE)

Grade: 41/100
Grade: 37/100


Minix Force

Grade: 15.9/20
Grade: 14/20


Fig. 1: Main menu

Fig. 2: Help menu

Fig. 3: Game

Fig. 4: Game Paused

Fig. 5: Score/Game Over menu

Final Grade

  • Helena Ferreira - 17.1
  • Gonçalo Marantes - 15.8