- 5
Cannot install OCTIS
#106 opened by srbnghosh99 - 0
In get_topics() in NMF_scikit class, a reversed=True parameter should be added to sorted() step.
#128 opened by sss3799 - 1
The `python` and `scipy` version-compatibility, and KLDivergence() needs attention!
#125 opened by prikarsartam - 3
Installation error
#123 opened by Spartanlasergun - 2
Error get.vocabulary in optimizing results
#98 opened by PhDPyBoss - 0
Memory issue with optimizer
#122 opened by adrnmt95 - 1
Error calculating coherence score for BERTopic model trained on Indic language
#120 opened by sanketshinde0707 - 1
- 3
OCTIS install fails due to gensim version
#114 opened by sequoiarose - 0
Can I get the original dataset?
#119 opened by Steveluo005 - 3
Python 3.12.1 pip Installation Error
#118 opened by AddisonDP - 1
- 0
How do I handle this error
#116 opened by bl-sun - 0
- 0
OCTIS install error
#109 opened by webdevcoach - 1
Attribute Error
#107 opened by sridivyar - 2
- 1
- 2
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'lower' preprocessor.preprocess_dataset when num_processes != None
#99 opened by p-dre - 2
Dependency incompatibility
#102 opened by mitramir55 - 7
Docker image failed with OCTIS in requirement
#100 opened by srashtchi - 3
Error loading custom dataset
#90 opened by tkap243 - 5
There is a mismatch between `output["topic-word-matrix"]` and `dataset.get_vocabulary()` in terms of words?
#86 opened by Zay-Ben - 1
vocabulary: a .txt for custom dataset
#92 opened by SaraAmd - 1
numpy memory error on a dataset with 4M tweets
#97 opened by devanshrj - 0
Specify GPU ID in OCTIS
#95 opened by ankur287 - 2
ValueError in colab notebook
#87 opened by amrzv - 4
Different Coherence Score in gensim and OCTIS
#91 opened by p-dre - 0
problems partitioning custom dataset
#101 opened by afriedman412 - 2
Can you tell how the datasets are preprocessed?
#93 opened by ERijck - 1
- 0
Does OCTIS allow to extract topic from a new (so, different from anyone within training set )sentence?
#88 opened by SimonaBianco97 - 2
Dashboard - python error
#82 opened by fatmas1982 - 4
Lack of Reproducibility in CTM
#65 opened by berksudan - 2
No parameter for topk words per topic
#78 opened by ERijck - 0
- 0
Octis startup argparse issue
#75 opened by Alig1493 - 1
Evaluating a custom topic model
#81 opened by nfsedaghat - 1
- 1
Why is the hyper-parameter tuning performed based on the score of train set instead of valid set?
#80 opened by geliAI - 1
- 4
OCTIS could not evaluate an external result?
#71 opened by KesselZ - 4
- 2
ETM model corpus size
#66 opened by thomaskir - 3
#69 opened by srashtchi - 1
A bug: description is different
#72 opened by KesselZ - 4
load a custom preprocessed dataset Error
#68 opened by srashtchi - 1
#67 opened by nassera2014 - 1
Error calculating Coherence Score
#64 opened by ericchagnon15 - 3
ETM training leading to NaN loss
#62 opened by PearlSikka