
Happy holidays and tree hunting for FiveM

Primary LanguageLua


Happy holidays and tree hunting for FiveM


  • Unlimited locations

  • Optional logging (You must setup it yourself, it's implemented on the server file but commented out)

  • Includes default loot table and raredrop table with random chance ( supports items, money and weapons by default )

  • Player can claim each tree only once

  • Config option to limit the amount of gifts trees can hold ( default 10 gifts/claims each tree )

  • Config option to enable/disable blips if you want people to hunt for these trees

  • Currently uses steam name to check if player has already claimed tree, maybe change to something like xPlayer.identifier instead? Up 2 you

  • Trees reset each server restart

  • Randomized drops for players, on both default and rare drop tables.

  • Handles the prop spawning, all you have to do yourself is setup the locations and loot tables

  • Also included some admin command snippets for clearing props / vehicles / peds. Has nothing to do with the script itself but just something I might aswell share should someone need it

  • Easy to modify for your needs. Loot table structure supports multiple drops etc.