
Laravel Advanced API Architecture for Small to Big Project with Auth, Repository, Interfaces, Unit Testing and so many stuffs with Laravel 9.x

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel CRUD API with Auth

Basic Laravel CRUD API application included with Authentication Module & Product Module. It's included with JWT authentication and Swagger API format.

Language & Framework Used:

  1. PHP-8
  2. Laravel-9

Architecture Used:

  1. Laravel 9.x
  2. Interface-Repository Pattern
  3. Model Based Eloquent Query
  4. Swagger API Documentation - https://github.com/DarkaOnLine/L5-Swagger
  5. JWT Auth - https://github.com/tymondesigns/jwt-auth
  6. PHP Unit Testing - Some basic unit testing added.

API List:

Authentication Module
  1. Register User API with Token
  2. Login API with Token
  3. Authenticated User Profile
  4. Refresh Data
  5. Logout
Product Module
  1. Product List
  2. Product List [Public]
  3. Create Product
  4. Edit Product
  5. View Product
  6. Delete Product
Category Module
  1. Product List
  2. Product List [Public]
  3. Create Product
  4. Edit Product
  5. View Product
  6. Delete Product

How to Run:

  1. Clone Project -
git clone https://github.com/MISTER-IZZATBEK/Laravel-Advanced-CRUD-API.git
  1. Go to the project drectory by cd Laravel-Basic-CRUD-API & Run the
  2. Create .env file & Copy .env.example file to .env file
  3. Create a database called - laravel_basic_crud.
  4. Install composer packages - composer install.
  5. Now migrate and seed database to complete whole project setup by running this-
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

It will create 21 Users and 103 Dummy Products. 6. Generate Swagger API

php artisan l5-swagger:generate
  1. Run the server -
php artisan serve
  1. Open Browser - & go to API Documentation -
  2. You'll see a Swagger Panel.


  1. First Login with the given credential or any other user credential
  2. Set bearer token to Swagger Header or Post Header as Authentication
  3. Hit Any API, You can also hit any API, before authorization header data set to see the effects.


API List Views:


Login in Swagger with Given Data:


Get token After Successful Login:


Set token in Swagger Header:


Or, Set token in Postman Header as Authorization:


Hit Any API Route in Swagger:


Image Upload throw Postman:



  1. Test with Postman - https://www.getpostman.com/collections/5642915d135f376b84af [Click to open with post man]
  2. Test with Swagger.
  3. Swagger Limitation: Image can not be uploaded throw Swagger, it can be uploaded throw Postman.