Class 201 attending at Codefellows March 21, 2020.

Notes for all learnings

Class 201 Reading Notes

Class Reading Assignment
Class 1 HTML chp1, chp8, chp17, chp18
Class 2 HTML Chapter 2: “Text” (pp.40-61)
HTML Chapter 10: Ch.10 “Introducing CSS” (pp.226-245)
JS Chapter 2: “Basic JavaScript Instructions” (pp.53-84)
JS Chapter 4: “Decisions and Loops” only up to the section on switch statements (pp.145-162)
Class 3 HTML Chapter 3: “Lists” (pp.62-73)
HTML Chapter 13: “Boxes” (pp.300-329)
JS Chapter 4: “Decisions and Loops” from switch statements on (pp.162-182)
Class 4 HTML Chapter 4: Ch.4 “Links” (pp.74-93)
HTML Chapter 15: “Layout” (pp.358-404)
JS Chapter 3 (first part): “Functions, Methods, and Objects” (pp.86-99 ONLY)
JS Article: “6 Reasons for Pair Programming”
Class 5 HTML Chapter 5: “Images” (pp.94-125)
HTML Chapter 11: “Color” (pp.246-263)
HTML Chapter 12: “Text” (pp.264-299)
Class 6 Article
JS Chapter 3: “Object Literals” (pp.100-105)
JS Chapter 5: “Document Object Model” (pp.183-242)
Class 7 HTML Chapter 6: “Tables” (pp.126-145)
JS Chapter 3: “Functions, Methods, and Objects” (pp.106-144)
Class 8 HTML HTML/CSS book, Ch. 15, “Layout” (again; repeat of Class 4 reading)
Class 9 HTML Chapter 7: “Forms” (p.144-175)
HTML Chapter 14: “Lists, Tables & Forms” (pp.330-357)
js Chapter 6: “Events” (pp.243-292)
Class 10
js JavaScript book, Ch. 10, “Error Handling & Debugging”
Class 11
HTML Chapter 16: “Images” (pp.406-427)
HTML Chapter 19: “Practical Information” (476-492)
skim JS Chapter 9: pages 201-206 only. Flash is no longer supported by many browsers but is an important part of history.
Class 12
Basic Usage
Drawing Shapes with canvas
Applying Styles and Colors
Drawing Text
Class 13 Article
Class 14 Article1
8 Simple CSS3 Transitions
6 Buttons Animated
CSS3 Animations
Pure CSS Bounce Animation
Class 15
Class 16
Class 17
Class 18
Class 19
Class 20