
401d83 Lab18

Primary LanguagePython

LAB - Class 18

Project: caesar_cipher

Author: Michelle Salazar

Problem Domain

Feature Tasks and Requirements

  • Create an encrypt function that takes in a plain text phrase and a numeric shift.
  • the phrase will then be shifted that many letters. E.g. encrypt(‘abc’,1) would return ‘bcd’. = E.g. encrypt(‘abc’, 10) would return ‘klm’.
  • shifts that exceed 26 should wrap around.
  • E.g. encrypt(‘abc’,27) would return ‘bcd’.
  • shifts that push a letter out or range should wrap around.
  • E.g. encrypt(‘zzz’,1) would return ‘aaa’.
  • Create a decrypt function that takes in encrypted text and numeric shift which will restore the encrypted text back to its original form when correct key is supplied.
  • create a crack function that will decode the cipher so that an encrypted message can be transformed into its original state WITHOUT access to the key.
  • Devise a method for the computer to determine if code was broken with minimal human guidance.

Implementation Notes

  • In order to accomplish a certain task you’ll need access to a corpus of English words.
  • A search on something like python list of english words should get you going.

Links and Resources

• back-end server url (when applicable)

• front-end application (when applicable)


cat requirements.txt pip install pytest

PORT - Port Number

DATABASE_URL - URL to the running Postgres instance/db

How to initialize/run your application (where applicable)

• e.g. python main.py

How to use your library (where applicable)

pip freeze > requirements.txt

User Acceptance Tests

The application must:

  • encrypt a string with a given shift
  • decrypt a previously encrypted string with the same shift.
  • encryption should handle upper and lower case letters.
  • encryption should allow non-alpha characters but ignore them, including white space.
  • decrypt encrypted version of It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. WITHOUT knowing the shift used.
  • refer to supplied unit tests.

