
301n18_2020 301 Data Structures and algorithms

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Data Structures and Algorithms

Create a copy of this repository

  1. Create a new repository in your GitHub account called data-structures-and-algorithms
  2. Clone the empty repository to your machine
  3. Choose the "Download" option under "Clone or Download" for this repository
  4. Copy that .zip file inside of the local data-structures-and-algorithms repo created in step 2
  5. Unzip the file there
  6. Remove the .zip file
  7. Run the command npm install from the repository root directory
  8. Do an ACP of the data-structures-and-algorithms repository

Repository Quick Tour and Usage

301 Code Challenges

Under the data-structures-and-algorithms repository, at the top level is a folder called code-challenges

Each day, you'll add one new file to this folder to do your work for the day's assigned code challenge

ms no challenge on first day

401 Data Structures, Code Challenges

  • Each Data Structure should be implemented separately in a language specific manner, in a properly named folder.
    • i.e. linked-lists
  • For daily challenges:
    • Each implementation should have a challenges folder, named challenges
    • Within the challenges folder, a subfolder bearing the name of the challenge
      • i.e. remove-duplicates
    • Within the proper subfolder:
      • A README.md that will house your challenge summary, whiteboard photos
      • Your implementation and tests for the code challenge
      • Perform your work in accordance with your 401 language's instructions

The final structure should resemble this:

  ├── code-challenges
  │  └── challenge-01.test.js
  │  └── challenge-02.test.js
  │  └── ...
  ├── [language]
  │   └── [data-structure-name]
  │       └── challenges
  │   └── [data-structure-name]
  │       └── challenges
  │   └── [data-structure-name]
  │       └── challenges
  │   └── ...
  ├── node_modules
  ├── .github
  │   └── workflows
  │       └── javascript-tests.yml
  ├── .eslintrc.json
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── package-lock.json
  ├── package.json
  └── README.md