- Please install required package in requirements.txt
- Download conceptnet transformed file
bash download_conceptnet_en.sh
1) Train reverse explainer
- Construct a dataset for training reverse explainer
- We used T5-base sturcture. The dataset is a tsv file that has three colums: pairID, input, label
- Both input and label has a free text form where sentence type tags are added
- The sentence type tag of explanation is Explanation:
- Please refer the sample data provided in resources/esnli_sample folder
- Usage example)
cd src
bash train_rev_explainer.sh 0 ../resources/esnli_sample/ ../model_binary/
2) Generate inconsistent explanations
- Output file format: json
- pair_id: key index for mapping
- context: context part (e.g. premise for NLI)
- inconsist_expl: generated inconsistent explanations
- tags: type of method used for generating inconsistent explanations
"pair_id": [...],
"context": [...],
"inconsist_expl": [...],
'tags': [...]
- Usage example)
cd src
python generate_inconsistent_expl.py --data_dir ../resources/esnli_sample/ --save_dir ../resources/esnli_sample/
3) Generate inconsistent variable parts by using ReverseExplainer
- Output file format: json
- pair_id: key index for mapping
- context: context part (e.g. premise for NLI)
- variable: generated inconsistent variable part
- tags: type of method used for generating inconsistent explanations
"pair_id": [...],
"context": [...],
"variable": [...],
'tags': [...]
- Usage example)
cd src
bash generate_inconsistent_var.sh ../resources/esnli_sample/ ../resources/esnli_sample/
4) Use generated variable part to make the model produce inconsistent explanations
- Save the final generated output as inconsist-final-test.json and locate it in the same directory where inconsist-expls-test.json is located
- File format of inconsist-final-test.json should be
- pair_id: key index for mapping
- context: context part (e.g. premise for NLI)
- variable: generated inconsistent variable part
- inconsist_expl: generated explanations with the inconsitent variables
- label: predicted labels
"pair_id": [...],
"context": [...],
"variable": [...],
"inconsist_expl": [...],
'label': [...]
5) Extract correct inconsistent explanations
- The original test dataset is required to get the original label
- See test.tsv file in esnli_sample folder to use the code without modification
- If you used different format for the test data, modify the line 97-101 in extract_inconsistent_expl.py file