
Qt OpenGL MD3 (Quake 3) Model Renderer

Primary LanguageC

Quake 3 MD3 Model Viewer


To move the camera: Left click in the viewing area and drag the mouse. The camera position is located in the lower left hand corner.

To select a body part: Right click on the desired body part, a box should appear around it.

To move a light: Select "View Lights" checkbox. Left click on the flashlight. Click and drag the flashlight around the window.

Rotation/Scaling a body part: Select a body part then use the sliding widgets to the right. The reset button will undo any changes. If no body part is selected, the reset button will reset the entire model.

To open a model: Select the *.mod file in the models/ subdirectory.

To open a weapon: Select the .md3 file in the weapons2/ subdirectory.