
AssetStudio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


  • 在列表栏新增了Texture2D的信息,可以更加方便的查看贴图是否符合要求
  • 增加程序参数,可以在assetbundle文件上右键,选择打开方式,选择AssetStudio,此后可以直接双击以AssetStudio打开这种后缀的文件
  • 移除GOHierarchy这个自定义的Winform组件


Build status

None of the repo, the tool, nor the repo owner is affiliated with, or sponsored or authorized by, Unity Technologies or its affiliates.

AssetStudio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles.


  • Support version:
    • 2.5 - 2019.3
  • Support asset types:
    • Texture2D : convert to png, tga, jpeg, bmp
    • Sprite : crop Texture2D to png, tga, jpeg, bmp
    • AudioClip : mp3, ogg, wav, m4a, fsb. support convert FSB file to WAV(PCM)
    • Font : ttf, otf
    • Mesh : obj
    • TextAsset
    • Shader
    • MovieTexture
    • VideoClip
    • MonoBehaviour
    • Animator : export to FBX file with bound AnimationClip



How to use

  • Use File-Load file, File-Load folder to load assets or assetbundles from multiple files or folder
  • Use File-Extract file, File-Extract folder to export assetbundles to assets from multiple files or folder
  • Export assets: use Export menu
  • Export model:
    • Export model from "Scene Hierarchy" using the Model menu
    • Export Animator from "Asset List" using the Export menu
    • With AnimationClip:
      • Select model from "Scene Hierarchy" then select the AnimationClip from "Asset List", using Model-Export selected objects with AnimationClip to export
      • Export Animator will export bound AnimationClip or use Ctrl to select Animator and AnimationClip from "Asset List", using Export-Export Animator with selected AnimationClip to export


  • Visual Studio 2019 or newer
  • AssetStudioFBX uses FBX SDK 2020.0.1 VS2017, before building, you need to install the FBX SDK and modify the project file, change include directory and library directory to point to the FBX SDK directory
  • If you want to change the FBX SDK version, you need to replace libfbxsdk.dll which in AssetStudioGUI/Libraries/x86/ and AssetStudioGUI/Libraries/x64/ directory to the new version

Open source libraries used
