
Simple django application to fetch last BTC/USD exchange rate


How to use

  • Run command docker-compose up --build

  • Access the web instance shell using command docker-compose exec web bash

    • crate super user using command python manage createsuperuser
  • After creating the super user navigate to and create api key

    Alt text Note: the api key will be shown in the message at the header after creating the api model

  • Set the api key in the x-api-key header to use the api Alt text

Application APIs

  • [GET] api/v1/quota/
    • return by default list of btc/usd exchange rates ordered by creation date
    • the last price will be the first item in the list
  • [POST] api/v1/quota/
    • force to fetch latest quota and return by default list of btc/usd exchange rates ordered by creation date


  • Making the quota api dynamic to accept currency pairs
  • Create encrypted secret file to save sensitive data using git-secret