- 4
Triplet Generation - _fblas.error:
#21 opened by blueadu00 - 2
- 2
#23 opened by xsyzka - 1
- 1
如何生成文件 ./datasets/cc_web_video.pickle,球球了那个大佬知道啊
#24 opened by xsyzka - 2
- 3
train error
#19 opened by Thinktan - 3
- 6
Can you provide pre-trained model ?
#11 opened by oliviernguyenquoc - 1
about train/test subset divide
#18 opened by zouying-sjtu - 1
VCDB Triplet Generation
#17 opened by chqaqc - 1
- 0
Error when evaluating
#14 opened by machetelol - 2
When evaluate mAP of ccweb, it seems you didn't set any threshold of similarities?
#12 opened by xiaozhi2015 - 5
Availability of Testing code?
#8 opened by maida-shahid - 1
Request FIVR-200K dataset
#2 opened by willard-yuan