
Dataset and code to reproduce results of Twitter-based Air Quality estimation.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Dataset and code to reproduce results of IVMSP 2018 paper: "Twitter-based Sensing of City-level Air Quality"

Python version

The project is compatible with Python 3.5

How to run experiments

  • Recreate pandas datasets from .csv files using create_dataset_from_csv(path,window,features):
Argument Description Valid values
path path to a .csv file in the datasets/ dir a string path
window the temporal bin size (in hours) 6, 12, 24
features a list with all bag-of-word features currently supporting only 'bow_10k_unigrams'

e.g: London_dataset = create_dataset_from_csv(path_to_London_dataset,6,['bow_10k_unigrams'])

London_dataset is a pandas dataframe that contains Twitter features (#aqs,#high,#tw), bag-of-word features (bow_10k_unigrams) in sparse representation and lagged versions of them, ground truth PM2.5 values (pm25) and inverse dinstance weighted (IDW) estimates based on ground truth PM2.5 values of nearby cities ('nearby_ground_truth_pm25')

  • Compute regression results using compute_regression_results(datasets,cities_dict,city,window,setup,baseline,fs_method,fs_feature_num,features,regressor,weights=None)
Arguments Description Valid values
datasets dict with city names and window as key and respective datasets as values datasets['London_6'] = London_dataset
cities_dict dict with available countries and respective cities cities_dict['UK'] = ['London','Liverpool', ...]
city the city to make air quality predictions a valid city name string
window the temporal bin size (in hours) 6, 12, 24
setup whether to perform within city predictions (using odd months for training and even months for testing) or to perform cross-city predictions (by using city dataset for testing and all other datasets for training) 'cross city' (i.e. all to one),'within city' (i.e. same city)
baseline string to indicate whether this experiment is baseline, by defining the prediction metric, or not 'idw','mean','NULL'
fs_method the feature selection method 'Conly':features with highiest correlation with PM2.5 (used in paper),
'NULL':No feature selection
fs_feature_num number of best features to keep after performing feature selection e.g 100,500,'None'
features features to use for training the regression model. if a single list is supplied, one regression model is built on a concatenated feature vector. if multiple lists are supplied, the outputs of the individual regression models are used as inputs in a second-stage regression model one step regression (e.g ['#aqs','bow_10k_unigrams'])
two step regression (e.g [[bow_10k_unigrams'],['nearby_ground_truth_pm25']])
regressor the type of regressor an sklearn regressor for one step regression setup
a list of two sklearn regressors for two step regression setup
weights the inverse distance weight matrix of all cities (used only in cross-city setups) in order to weight each training example

compute_regression_results(arguments) returns a list which is described below

Position Description
0 country code ('UK','US)
1 city
2 window
3 the setup
4 baseline
5 inverse distance weight boolean flag
6 the feature selection method
7 number of best features to keep after performing feature selection
8 feature_types
9 feature_details
10 representation
11 one step regressor name
12 two step regressor name
13 Root Mean Square Error between ground truth and testing predictions
14 Mean Absolute Error between ground truth and testing predictions
15 Precision in high pollution class after transformed regression to classification
16 Recall in high pollution class after transformed regression to classification
17 F-score in high pollution class after transformed regression to classification
  • Compute regression results iteratively using the function: aggregated_regression_experiments(datasets,cities_dict,cities,windows,setup,baseline,fs_methods,fs_feature_nums,features,regressors,weights=None)

for more examples see experiments.py


  • Test on additional cities
  • Test additional textual representations (e.g. n-grams, word-to-vec)


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details


If you find these dataset and code useful in your research please cite: Charitidis, P., Spyromitros-Xioufis, E., Papadopoulos, S., & Kompatsiaris, Y. (2018). Twitter-based Sensing of City-level Air Quality. In Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP), 2018 IEEE 13th. IEEE.