
std::embed implementation for the poor (C++17)

Primary LanguageC++

std::embed implementation for the poor (C++17)

This repository contains an example implementation of the std::embed from the P1040 proposal. There is an overview in the blog post, feedback is highly appreciated.


To distribute arbitrary resources with your application two steps are required:

  1. Preprocess resources to create the corresponding header files.
  2. Gather resources from the source code.


Use CMake to build rh::embed itself, tests and benchmark. Tests are enabled by default, use -DBYPASS_TESTS=1 to disable them, benchmark, on the other hand, is disabled. To enable benchmark build use -DENABLE_BENCHMARK=1.


One of the key concerns is performance. I've benchmarked two corner cases:

  1. One big file
  2. Multiple small files

As a starting point, I've measured the complete rebuild process on my PC (MSVC 17.0.4, Ryzen 3700X, 32GB of RAM) with the bare time of 1390 ms. For the sake of history and comparison, there's also data for my older PC (MSVC 15.9.2, i5-750, 12GB of RAM) with a baseline of 3992 ms.

Total rebuild times

Table for the one big file:

File size Build time, ms, WSL Build time, ms, Windows Build time, ms, Old PC
1 byte 479 1413 4033
8 bytes 471 1412 4423
64 bytes 482 1390 3984
512 bytes 491 1402 4197
4 KB 485 1413 4393
32 KB 503 1421 4843
256 KB 708 1548 6431
2 MB 2645 2688 11436
16 MB 19234 11748 12912

For the multiple small files:

Number of 1 KB files Build time, ms, WSL Build time, ms, Windows Build time, ms, Old PC
1 473 1386 4400
8 485 1422 5200
64 587 1587 6236
512 1268 3309 23034
1024 2049 8601 61523

The vast majority of the time is occupied by the link time, not the rh::embed itself.

rh::embed times

N.B. These times were measured on my old PC, they're roughly the same on my new one, so I decided to leave this part as is.

To illustrate this, I've measured both the rh::embed performance and the total part of the whole process:

File size Embed time, ms Percent of the whole rebuild time
1 byte 59 1.46
8 bytes 50 1.13
64 bytes 56 1.4
512 bytes 49 1.11
4 KB 49 1.01
32 KB 85 1.32
256 KB 75 1.16
2 MB 312 2.7
16 MB 1796 13.9
Number of 1 KB files Embed time, ms Percent of the whole rebuild time
1 52 1.18
8 62 1.19
64 139 2.22
512 844 3.66
1024 1584 2.5


  • Make the tool cross-platform (CMake)
  • Add CPack scripts for the proper installation
  • Compressing the resources
  • Use the clang AST (scan the source files for the resources)