
Universal GNSS Software-defined Receiver (UGSDR)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Universal GNSS Software-defined Receiver (UGSDR)

This is a little pet project I've been working on during weekends and after-work hours, designed to be a research testbench for GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) software-defined receivers. Currently, it consists of a post-processing receiver (IF- or RF-sampled data processing from correlators to positioning), benchmark subproject and some tests.

Tracking table

I've supported most of the currently used civil GNSS signals, BeiDou implementation lags behind. I've omitted the L2CL (long) code for now, as well as the military signals. There is a nice niche for research of various codeless tracking methods (Z-tracking and so on), so feel free to contribute.

There's a little table with supported signals, Tracking means there's a valid code generator, acquisition and tracking algorithms, but it can't (for now) be used for positioning for various reasons (no ephemeris decoding is the most common reason). Observables indicate that this is a derived signal, so the millisecond pseudorange ambiguity is resolved, but the navigation message is not used. Positioning stands for complete processing, including ephemeris decoding and millisecond ambiguity resolution. Work in progress speaks for itself.

L1 C/A Positioning Tracking Tracking
L1OF Positioning
E1B Tracking
E1C Tracking
B1I Tracking
B1C Work in progress
L1S Tracking
L2CM Observables Tracking
L2OF Observables
L5I Observables Tracking Tracking
L5Q Observables Tracking Tracking
L5 C/A Tracking
E5a-I Tracking
E5a-Q Tracking
E5b-I Tracking
E5b-Q Tracking
E6b Tracking
E6c Tracking

Build requirements

I've tried to make this project as cross-platform and as easy to build as possible. Since it's a pet project, I also wanted to use some of the libraries I've always wanted to, as well as some new and shiny C++ features. There are mandatory and optional dependencies

Mandatory dependencies

Some of the following requirements may be loosened in the future to provide a more flexible build:

  1. C++ compiler with C++20 support. I've used std::span quite heavily, so this probably won't be relaxed. There are also some nice additions like std::numbers for π or std::ranges and operator<=>, but they are not so necessary for the performance as a non-owning data view. Specific compiler versions would be specified later.
  2. CMake 3.18+. I just love CMake, I've worked so much with various build systems and approaches to appreciate the CMake.
  3. Subset of the Boost library suite. There is a significant performance boost (pun intended) when using memory-mapped I/O instead of the traditional ifstream::read() approach. I personally also love the console progress bar, which is very handy for console-only applications.
  4. My own type_map and plusifier libraries, but they're checked out as submodules, so you don't have to worry about them.
  5. RTKLIB is used for positioning (temporarily) and RINEX output. It's being downloaded via FetchContent at configuration time.
  6. FFTW3 library. According to the convolution theorem, circular convolution may be substituted by the elementwise multiplication of the Fourier transforms (plain with conjugated to be precise) of the input signals. Circular convolution is the main operation of the matched filter, used heavily in the acquisition routines, this provides a significant boost against the plain implementation. The benefit is so great that the plain solution is removed completely.

Optional dependencies

  1. ArrayFire library for GPU-based computing. It was a promising ride and I've implemented multiple operations with it, but the main problem with it is that to get the best performance, you have to use the GPU-centered approach when you have a big chunk of data (1 millisecond of samples for example) and you upload it to the GPU so that the whole processing is being performed at the device. This would require some architectural modification of the UGSDR, so it just waits there. I've tested it on both GTX 1060 6GB and RTX 2080 Ti.
  2. cereal library for serialization. This is the first project I've used this library in, it shines when there's a need to save the intermediate data, but according to clang's -ftime-trace it has a serious compilation time impact.
  3. gcem is a great compile-time math library, used in the generation of the sin-cos table for the NCO.
  4. IPP. This is the best and the most performant digital signal processing library out there for the x86 and I love it. The only downside for me is that there's no C++ interface, so I've used my plusifier library to abstract away the typed functions.
  5. GTest for testing.
  6. googlebenchmark for benchmarking. These are the primary candidates to be moved to the optional section.


There's still a lot to do, but some of the major steps are the following:

  • Add antijamming and antispoofing modes
    • Narrow- and wideband mitigation
    • Antispoofind
  • Add the single-pass receiver (realtime-friendly)
  • Add the missing (B1C, B2I etc) and perspective (L1C, L1OC etc) signals
  • Improve the acquisition (add fine acquisition step and bit boundary detection)
  • Improve the tracking (strobe correlator, vision correlator, VPLL etc)
  • Add the missing ephemeris decoding
  • Add high-precision positioning modes (RTK, PPP etc)
  • Add sensor fusion approaches (GNSS/IMU, GNSS/Video etc)
  • Add specialized positioning modes (Snapshot positioning)
  • TBD