A bot that sends pokemon raid and rare pokemon data into Facebook messenger chats.
This was only tested with linux and python3.5/python3.6.
Clone the repository and enter the directory
git clone https://github.com/MKolman/GoMapMessenger.git
cd GoMapMessenger
Setup the virtual environment.
virtualenv venv -p $(which python3)
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup your account
cp SECRETS.example.py SECRETS.py
and edit SECRETS.py
to reflect your needs.
You can now run
python main.py
to fetch new data from GoMap and send it to you.
You can use crontab to run this script evert 5 minutes for you. First do
crontab -e
and add the line
*/5 * * * * cd /path/to/GoMapMessenger/ && . venv/bin/activate && python main.py >> crontab.log 2>> crontab.err
Download and install python 3.6
from https://www.python.org/downloads/. Make sure to
select "Add Python3.6 to PATH".
Download this repo from https://github.com/MKolman/GoMapMessenger/archive/master.zip and unzip it.
Enter GoMapMessenger-master
folder and run Install.bat
(in anything other than notepad) and edit it with your
Facebook messenger data.
You can then try running main.py
. If successfull a result_status.json
should be created on first run.
You can now call main.py any time you wish to fetch new data and send it to you.
Add absolute paths (for schtasks) in files main.py (line 35), fetch.py (line 21), imager.py (lines 8, 16) and gyms.py (line 6)
Create scheduled task in cmd: "schtasks /Create /SC MINUTE /MO 1 /TN Pokemon /TR absolute\path\to\python.exe absolute\path\to\main.py"
Run the task quietly: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6568736/how-do-i-set-a-windows-scheduled-task-to-run-in-the-background
Delete the scheduled task: "schtasks /Delete /TN Pokemon"