
Flutter frontend for real-time game of Risk

Primary LanguageDart

CS 2340 Risk Mobile

A real-time Risk mobile app. Created for CS 2340 with Dr. Christopher Simpkins, Spring 2019.


  1. Install Flutter.
  2. On Windows, open Command Prompt and type ipconfig, and look at look at Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi IPv4 Address. On Linux, type ip addr and look at wifi0: inet.
  3. Update the line in main.dart in the format of channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://[your-ip]:9000/ws');.
  4. Plug in your phone or set up a virtual device.
  5. In this directory, run flutter run.
  6. Start the backend server at OhadRau/scala-risk.



Start screen Room creation dialog Players list Gameplay