Machine Learning based Early Decision-Making (ML-EDM)

This is the official github page of the paper [1] "Open challenges for Machine Learning based Early Decision-Making research", Alexis Bondu, Youssef Achenchabe, Albert Bifet, Fabrice Clérot, Antoine Cornuéjols, Joao Gama, Georges Hébrail, Vincent Lemaire, Pierre-François Marteau.

→ The purpose of this page is to gather ML-EDM material. We provide an open source package presented in [9], please quote it as follows:

      title={ml_edm package: a Python toolkit for Machine Learning based Early Decision Making}, 
      author={Aurélien Renault and Youssef Achenchabe and Édouard Bertrand and Alexis Bondu and Antoine Cornuéjols and Vincent Lemaire and Asma Dachraoui},

Early Decision Making

More and more applications require early decisions, i.e. taken as soon as possible from partially observed data. However, the later a decision is made, the more its accuracy tends to improve, since the description of the problem to hand is enriched over time. Such a compromise between the earliness and the accuracy of decisions has been particularly studied in the field of Early Classification of Time Series (ECTS), for which an extensive benchmark is available in [8]. However, the current definition of ECTS is limited to:

  • a classification problem ;
  • an available training set which contains completely and properly labeled time series ;
  • a decision deadline that is finite, fixed and known ;
  • unique decisions for each incoming time series ;
  • decisions that once made can never be reconsidered ;
  • fixed decision costs which do not depend on the triggering time and the decisions made.

In order to overcome these limitations, we introduce a more general problem, called Machine Learning based Early Decision Making (ML-EDM), which consists in optimizing the decision times of models in a wide range of settings where data is collected over time. After defining the ML-EDM problem, ten challenges are identified and proposed to the scientific community to further research in this area. These challenges open important application perspectives.

Proposed challenges

ML-EDM challenges SOTA Main application perspectives
#1 - Extending non-myopia to unsupervised approaches In anomaly detection applications, anticipate the deviation of an observed individual from a normal behavior.
#2 - Addressing other supervised learning tasks Adapt ECTS approaches to extrinsic regression problems. Develop forecasting methods whose prediction horizon can adapt
#3 - Early weakly supervised learning (WSL) Adapt ECTS approaches to the different WSL classification scenarios
#4 - Data type agnostic ML-EDM [2,3,4,5] Identify agnostic approaches in the literature and promote this feature. Define a pivotal format allowing to develop an ML-EDM library
#5 - Online predictions to be located in time Applications where the arrival of an event (e.g. a failure) must be predicted in advance, as well as its duration
#6 - Online accuracy vs. earliness trade-of [6] Optimize decision time in online predictive maintenance applications.
#7 - Management of non-stationarity in ML-EDM Properly manage the potentially long life of ML-EDM models.
#8 - Reactivity vs. stability dilemma for revocable decisions [7] Applications where undue and excessive decision changes must be avoided
#9 - Non-myopia to revocation risk [7] Non-myopia to revocation risk
#10 - Scheduling strategy and time-dependent decision costs Applications where the variation of the decision costs over time is known or can be modeled. Applications where the scheduling strategy is only known through itsinteractions with the triggering strategy.

Related papers

Challenges Reference code resources
All [1] Open challenges for Machine Learning based Early Decision-Making research, Alexis Bondu, Youssef Achenchabe, Albert Bifet, Fabrice Clérot, Antoine Cornuéjols, Joao Gama, Georges Hébrail, Vincent Lemaire, Pierre-François Marteau. ArXiv 2022.
#4 [2] Early classification of time series by simultaneously optimizing the accuracy and earliness, Usue Mori, Alexander Mendiburu, Sanjoy Dasgupta, Jose A. Lozano. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 29(10), 4569-4578. experimental reproducibility
#4 [3] Early classification of time series as a non myopic sequential decision making problem, Asma Dachraoui, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols. Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML PKDD (2015) tslearn python library
#4 [4] Early Classification of Time Series: Cost-based multiclass Algorithms, Paul-Emile Zafar, Youssef Achenchabe, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols, Vincent Lemaire. IEEE 8th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics - DSAA (2021). experimental reproducibility
#4 [5] Early classification of time series, Youssef Achenchabe, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols, Asma Dachraoui. Machine Learning 110.6 (2021): 1481-1504. experimental reproducibility
#6 [6] ECOTS: Early Classification in Open Time Series, Youssef Achenchabe, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols, Vincent Lemaire. ArXiv 2022. coming soon
#8, #9 [7] Early and Revocable Time Series Classification, Youssef Achenchabe, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols, Vincent Leamire. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks - IJCNN (2022). experimental reproducibility
[8] Early Classification of Time Series: Taxonomy of Methods and Extensive Benchmark, Aurélien Renault, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols, Vincent Leamire. submitted to Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research - JAIR (2024). ml_edm package
[9] ml_edm package: a Python toolkit for Machine Learning based Early Decision Making, Aurélien Renault, Youssef Achenchabe, Édouard Bertrand, Alexis Bondu, Antoine Cornuéjols, Vincent Leamire, Asma Dachraoui. Draft. ml_edm package