
📚 CORE ontology of ML-Schema and mapping to other machine learning vocabularies and ontologies (DMOP, Exposé, OntoDM, and MEX)

Primary LanguageHTML

ML Schema

ML-Schema is a collaborative, community effort with a mission to develop, maintain, and promote standard schemas for data mining and machine learning algorithms, datasets, and experiment

See the wiki for more details: https://github.com/ML-Schema/core/wiki


  • Open GitHub issues for any kind of discussion. Selected items will be discussed during telco's. For instance, see how this works for schema.org
  • Store all schema in http://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/. This you can load in Protege, Jena,... if you want to edit them locally.
  • Use the GitHub Wiki for information relevant to the group and users: https://github.com/ML-Schema/core/wiki
  • Include structure (inheritance, value bounds) so arrive at a non-ambiguous schema.
  • We use namespace 'mls' and will register this at PURL asap.
  • If there is an issue to discuss, first create a GitHub issue, and then label it as 'discuss in call' Conference calls

Conference calls
We do a conference call on Hangout every two weeks, on Monday 13:30 - 14:30 (European time zone)

  • Next calls 2015: Nov 9, Nov 23, Dec 7, Dec 21
  • Next calls 2016: Jan 4, Jan 18, Feb 1, ...

Google group
To receive updates about ML Schema, or contact everybody, please join our Google group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mlw3c

When you join, please send a short introduction of yourself, e.g. who are you, what is your interest in ML schema, what would you like to contribute,...