- abhiPL07
- aminehb
- AntoineB0urretSwitzerland
- axelohOslo, Norway
- cahuja1992@TatrasData @buzzdata @TSG-Research @public-spend-forum
- chenhy97DDS in Inplus Lab, SYSU
- chrrustOslo
- DICPZhou
- Dolores2333HKUST
- erikdengerud
- EspenHa@RagnaRockGeo
- fen0324
- fenfen22
- greenbechBærum, Norway
- gzarrukThree60 Energy
- hakonnoren
- hjblearning
- honglinwen
- jonnor@soundsensing
- Juliaj
- Kobrestad@securepractice
- kristogj@cntxtsa
- LuYanFCPBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- nbrockett
- paudan@Intellerts
- rakayashTrondheim
- StefanBloemheuvelTilburg University
- tdmcenergy
- tommyngxAustralia
- ugrceylnIstanbul/Turkey
- vuviethung1998
- wenyixue
- whchien@abnamro
- wQvaale@Norges-Bank
- zehsilvaSchool of Applied Mathematics at Getulio Vargas Foundation (EMAP / FGV)