
WS2811 LEDs + Arduino POV effect on moving bike wheel.

Primary LanguageArduino


This Arduino sketch drives WS2811 (and similar) RGB LED strips on bicycle wheel to produce a Persistence of Vision effect. The components and electrical wiring are explained in http://www.instructables.com/id/Bike-wheel-WS2811-LED-effects-with-Arduino/

There are a few different LED programs in the code and you can add new ones by editing wheel.ino. All of them are always included in the firmware and (in theory) can be switched in runtime.

The code right now recognises to type of inputs from the user to allow switching between these programs, but neither is working perfectly. Method one is based on decting sequences of braking that the rider can issue on the go. Current implementation turns out to be quite poor and difficult to use. Method two tries to detect "tapping" on the handlebar laterally. Basically the rider needs to punch the handlebar on a side in a short sequence, this works quite reliably but your hand may hurt because you need to hit quite strong in the current implementation. No additional sensors are necessary to do that beyond the inertial sensors used for reading the wheel position. See "Control" below for details.

After you power the device up, the first fraction of a second the sketch tries to collect gyroscope calibration data and assumes the wheel is stationary for that period, so try to keep it still for a short moment when starting the code.

The default and simplest effect is to illuminate one half of the wheel as the wheel is spinning. Basically each LED lights up when it passes a line dividing the wheel "disc" in two halves, and then turns off when passing that line again. This actually creates and a very nice effect and catches many other bike rider's attention when riding in a group.

There's also basic support for displaying text (default text is "Bicicritica") using the font data from the Linux kernel framebuffer -- probably the same font embedded in VGA cards for many years.

Program number 4 is all LEDs off and 5 all LEDs on all the time.

Program number 7 is a spinning globe, currently only shows the continent shapes in solid colours (land = green, ocean = dark blue, white = antarctica). The globe rotates around the Earth's axis about one turn every 4 seconds, in a pseudo-3D that is not very well visible.


The brakes based method tries to detect two types of signals. A sequence of two short brakes (periods between 100ms - 400ms) followed by a long pause (1 - 3s) and then another brake causes the sketch to skip to the next program, while three short brakes with a long pause goes to the previous program. To do this correctly it seems that some training is necessary to get the timings right for the brakes to be detected and properly distinguished from the various types of noise present in what comes in from the sensors. It will work better when the bike is rolling on a relatively even surface and the braking is quite sharp. Going too fast will also make the braking get lost in all the noise. A full reimplementation may be necessary to make this method usable, the current approach may be hopeless.

The "tap" method detects two sequences: three "taps" on the handlebar 200ms - 400ms periods apart followed by a 1s to 3s-long pause and another "tap" (i.e. 3 + pause + 1) switch to the next program, while 4 + pause + 1 switch one program back. Lateral acceleration is quite easy to detect because most noise when riding is in the other two axis, however the current naive implementation requires quite strong punches to avoid false positives (which may still happen anyway). This can still be improved on with little effort in the code.

Both methods can be disabled in the code if not needed, to avoid false positives.