Optimizing Loop Diuretic Treatment in Hospitalized Patients: A Case Study in Practical Application of Offline Reinforcement Learning to Healthcare

Primary LanguagePython

PROP-RL: Pipieline for learning Robust Policies in RL

This repository contains the source code to replicate the pipeline described in "Optimizing Loop Diuretic Treatment in Hospitalized Patients: A Case Study in Practical Application of Offline Reinforcement Learning to Healthcare".


  • Refer to requirements.txt for the necessary conda packages.
  • data: This directory contains sample input data.
  • pipeline: This directory contains the offline RL pipeline for tabular data.
    • 1_run_kmeans.py: Takes the embedded EHR features (data/embedded.p) and uses ensemble k-means clustering to discretize the data.
    • 2_run_environment.py: Creates the transition and reward matrices from the training set.
    • 3_run_train_policy.py: Trains all policies.
    • 4_run_evaluation.py: Evaluates the learned policies on the validation and test sets.
    • pipeline_example.ipynb: Pseudocode for full pipeline.

Sample Input

An example usage of the pipeline is provided in pipeline/pipeline_example.ipynb with sample input data. The input are formatted as follows:

  • data/embedded.p: Embedding of the raw feature values of the trajectories.
    • hosp_id: Unique ID of the trajectory/hospitalization
    • window_id: ID of each window
  • data/ens.csv: Trajectory data with state, action, reward, and next state.
    • hosp_id, window_id: Same as above
    • death: Encoding for final outcome
    • For the last window in each trajectory, we assume that all actions (in our example, binary actions) will lead to a terminal absorbing state. The terminal state is defined by the final outcome (death). Thus the last window is recorded twice in the trajectory data.