
project-22-fal-13-hackathon-team-1 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageHTML

Site Realiability Engineering - Week 1 - Template Portfolio Site

In week 1, we made a reusable, responsive, scalable template portfolio. We learned new technologies in Web Development (Flask, Jinja, Google Maps API), we also implemented GitHub best practices to collaborate as a team.

Hackathon Winner



GitHub code size in bytes GitHub repo size


This is a portfolio template which can be easily reused and personalized. The portfolio template consists of 3 main components:

Landing page
  • Hero section with name, call to action button and image
  • About Me section with image and text area
  • Education section with school image, degree, major
Hobbies page
  • Cards with title, image and text area
Work Experience page
  • Cards with title, image and text area
Locations page
  • A Google API map that renders points that the user has visited

Technologies used in the project

  • The Python microframework Flask
  • HTML/CSS and Bootstrap
  • Jinja for templating
  • JavaScript for the responsive navigation and map creation
  • Google Maps API in JavaScript to mark locations visited in each profile page

File Structure

│   README.md                               # Explains this respository
|   LICENSE.md                              # Details of this project's MIT license
│   .gitignore                              # Files to be ignored by git
|   .python-version                         # Python version used to build the project
|   .env                                    # Environmental variables for API key and URL
|   requirements.txt                        # Requirements for Python dependencies to install using pip
    │   __init__.py                         # The Python init file that runs upon executing "flask run"
    |   └───fonts
    |   |   |   flux-regular.otf            # The same font style used by Python (free to use)
    |   |
    |   └───img
    |   |   |   (all images for website)    # Various images used in the project
    |   |
    |   └───scripts
    |   |   |   maps.js                     # Script that loads the Google Maps API into the DO
    |   |
    |   └───styles
    |   |   |   main.css                   # Custom styles for all pages
        |___ globaComps 
              | footer.html                # Displays copyright and social links
              | nav.html                   # Responsive navigation menu
        |___ landingPage
              | aboutMe.html               # Template that displays about me information
              | education.html             # Template that displays education section  
              | hero.html                  # Template that hero section  
        |   experience.html                # Template for the experience page
        |   hobbies.html                   # Template for that displays the hobbies page
        |   locations.html                 # Template that displays the Google Map
        |   pageOverlay.html               # Template for overlays in other pages
        |   landingPage.html               # Template that displays the landingPage


Using the command line, clone the repo on your machine

git clone <remote url copied from Github>
cd <repo directory name>

Make sure you have python3 and pip installed

Create and activate virtual environment using virtualenv

$ python -m venv python3-virtualenv
$ source python3-virtualenv/bin/activate

Use the package manager pip to install all dependencies!

pip install -r requirements.txt


Create a .env file using the example.env template (make a copy using the variables inside of the template)

Start flask development server

$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run

You should get a response like this in the terminal:

❯ flask run
 * Environment: development
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

You'll now be able to access the website at localhost:5000 or in the browser!

*Note: The portfolio site will only work on your local machine while you have it running inside of your terminal.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



HobbiesPage-2 WortExperiencePage-3

