Welcome to Solana's GHW:Web3 Week Challenges

Hello hackers! This week, we're going to learn how to leverage several of Solana's Web3 technologies through a series of fun and interactive challenges!

Getting Help

If you have any questions about Oracle or their Global Hack Week challenges, head to the MLH Discord and find the #ask-solana channel!


Registration Challenge 1

Sign up for the Solana Developer Newsletter

Every week Solana puts out information about development within the Solana community and how to build with the latest technologies.

Signup today for the developer newsletter!


  • Take a screenshot of your "successfully signed up!" message and submit it to our day-of form.

Challenge 2

Run Hello World on Solana


  • Get started with your development on blockchain by deploying hello world to Solana.
  • For this challenge, you'll be utilizing the Solana Playground, a browser based IDE to develop and deploy our Solana program.
    To use it, you do NOT have to install any software on your computer. Simply open Solana Playground in your browser of choice, and you are ready to write and deploy Solana programs.
  • You'll learn some of the core competencies for programmatically interacting with the Solana blockchain including:
    • how to get started with Solana Playground
    • how to create a Solana wallet on Playground
    • how to program a basic Solana program in Rust
    • how to build and deploy a Solana Rust program
    • how to interact with your onchain program using JavaScript



  • Take a screenshot of your completed Hello World transaction and submit it to our day-of form.

Challenge 3

Download a Solana Wallet

To take action on a blockchain, you'll need a wallet.

Save your wallet details so you're able to request funds from the Solana Faucet later on.

Download a Solana wallet and start your journey on-chain!


  • Submit your wallet type and address (i.e. Phantom, 0x783c2da2e2a8zd1a) to our day-of form.

Challenge 4

Create a Token on Solana


  • Tokens are a key component of any blockchain. You can use them for network operations, governance, and even staking on the Solana ecosystem.
  • In this challenge you will learn step by step how to create a new SPL token on Solana with the Token Extensions program and its token metadata extension.



Submit your code to our GHW Web3 Devpost Page!

Challenge 5

Get some SOL airdropped to your developer wallet


  • With the wallet you installed in challenge 3, get some test SOL using the public faucet!
  • You can use this test SOL to power your own Solana programs and smart contracts on the chain.
  • Make sure you toggle the "Request Airdrop" dropdown to 'testnet.'
  • Connecting your GitHub account will get you an even higher airdrop limit!



  • Submit a screen shot of your SOL air drop to our day-of form.