
Naming of the system font

ace-dent opened this issue · 2 comments

We call the standard 'system' font 5x7... but it's 5x8 px...

Check long descenders on 'p', 'g', etc. and also full height block graphics.
Not sure if this can be renamed at this stage? Perhaps using a #define font5x7 font5x8 ...?

The Arduboy system font is from the Adafruit glcdfont.c. In that file it's described as a 5x7 font, hence the name used in the Arduboy libraries.

font5x7 is declared as public. If there are any Arduboy sketches currently using it they will break if it were to be renamed. The documentation for font5x7 clearly indicates that it is 8 pixels high.

If a developer wishes to rename the font to make its size clearer, they can add a #define or using statement or whatever to their own sketch code.

Ok. Thanks for reviewing.