
How to remap the keys to my own liking

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey i just made an arduboy clone but the way i mapped the buttons to the pins is way different from the official one so i want to programatically remap the official button maps to my schematics.

You would have to:

  • Change the #define statements that map the buttons to the pins in file Arduboy2Core.h. These start at
    #define LEFT_BUTTON _BV(5)
  • Change function Arduboy2Core::bootPins() in file Aduboy2Core.cpp as necessary to properly initialise the button pins.
  • Change function Arduboy2Core::buttonsState() in file Aduboy2Core.cpp as necessary to properly map the status of the buttons to the returned bitmap.

This is not actually an issue, so I'm closing it. If you need more help I suggest you post a request in the Arduboy Community Forum.

Thank u so much