
Include an image of the font glyphs in the documentation

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Pharap commented

It would be handy to have an image that showed all the glyphs of the font in the documentation, so people can gauge what the font looks like and whether it suits their purposes without having to write some code and upload it.

MLXXXp commented

If someone wants to provide the image, I could look into including it somewhere.

Since I release both HTML and PDF versions, it appears that two images would be required; one for each version. E.g. PNG for HTML and EPS for PDF.

It's possible that the PDF compatible one could be created using the HTML compatible image as the source for a conversion utility.

EDIT: Only one image file may be sufficient, as some image formats are compatible with both outputs.

Pharap commented

I don't mind doing it if I get a few minutes to sit down and wade through the data, but I'm not sure when that might be.

I wasn't sure if I would be able to produce an EPS, but I checked and fortunately GIMP does support EPS as an export format.

Though Adobe's Acrobat documentation seems to suggest that PDFs do in fact support PNG, among other image formats. (The other formats being JPEG, BMP, GIF, and TIFF.)

MLXXXp commented

I think something like the images in section Codepage & Co. on, with the actual dot matrix glyphs, would be good. Colouring the boxes around the two special characters (0x0A, 0X0D) red, or highlighting them in some other way, would be useful.

I suggest that the image be added to the documentation for Arduboy2::font5x7. It could also be put in a new a page in the Related Pages section.