
unified library with string and other functions for C

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

my*.h Documentation

Higher level C functions.

Making C easier to use.

This document lays out quick help for these header files:

  • myc.h - new string and other utility functions for C
  • mydb.h - an Sqlite3 c template and three new functions
  • mynet.h - a small Internet library with 4 new functions

NOTE: myc.h also includes most of the common C headers.
compiled myc.h is about 52k

String functions


List - static Array of strings


Number to String functions


File & Path functions


Utility & Miscellaneous


Gtk Dialogs (zenity)


Sample program using myc.h

Database Sqlite3 functions


Net/Web functions



The standard C string.h library has fifteen or so functions for string manipulation.

This section is a quick reference for the standard string.h library.

The Standard string.h library for C


copy n chars from ct to s (may overlap)


copy n chars from ct to s (may overlap)


compare n chars of cs with ct


pointer to first c in first n chars of cs


put c into first n chars of s

char *strcpy( char *s1, const char *s2 )

copies the string s2 into the character array s1. The value of s1 is returned.

char *strncpy( char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n )

copies at most n characters of the string s2 into the character array s1. The value of s1 is returned.

char *strcat( char *s1, const char *s2 )

appends the string s2 to the end of character array s1. The first character from s2 overwrites the '\0' of s1. The value of s1 is returned.

char *strncat( char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n )

appends at most n characters of the string s2 to the end of character array s1. The first character from s2 overwrites the '\0' of s1. The value of s1 is returned.

char *strchr( const char *s, int c )

returns a pointer to the first instance of c in s. Returns a NULL pointer if c is not encountered in the string.

char *strrchr( const char *s, int c )

returns a pointer to the last instance of c in s. Returns a NULL pointer if c is not encountered in the string.

char *strdup(const char *string)

returns a pointer to a duplicated string allocating memory in the heap. Use free() to free memory.

int strcmp( const char *s1, const char *s2 )

compares the string s1 to the string s2. The function returns 0 if they are the same, a number < 0 if s1 < s2, a number > 0 if s1 > s2.

int strncmp( const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n )

compares up to n characters of the string s1 to the string s2. The function returns 0 if they are the same, a number < 0 ifs1 < s2, a number > 0 if s1 > s2.

size_t strspn( char *s1, const char *s2 )

returns the length of the longest substring of s1 that begins at the start of s1 and consists only of the characters found in s2. size_t strcspn( char *s1, const char *s2 ) returns the length of the longest substring of s1 that begins at the start of s1 and contains none of the characters found in s2.

size_t strlen( const char *s )

determines the length of the string s. Returns the number of characters in the string before the '\0'.

char *strpbrk( const char *s1, const char *s2 )

returns a pointer to the first instance in s1 of any character found in s2. Returns a NULL pointer if no characters from s2 are encountered in s1.

char *strstr( const char *s1, const char *s2 )

returns a pointer to the first instance of string s2 in s1. Returns a NULL pointer if s2 is not encountered in s1.

char *strtok(char *s1, const char *s2 )

repeated calls to this function modifies string s1 by breaking it into "tokens"--that is the string is broken into substrings, each terminating with a '\0', where the '\0' replaces any characters contained in string s2. The first call uses the string to be tokenized as s1; subsequent calls use NULL as the first argument. A pointer to the beginning of the current token is returned; NULL is returned if there are no more tokens. consider using list... in myc.h. Warning: this changes the original string!

STRING functions myc.h ^

I've tried not to duplicate the existing string.h functions. The goal here is to extend (and simplify) string manipulation in C.


int between(char *buf, char *input, char *str1, char *str2, int offset)

Obtains a substring found between to other substrings. Returns an index to the next position beyond the second delimiting string. Returns -1 on not found or failure.

  p = between(subs, page, "<p>", "</p>", 0);
  // returns the text between the paragraph tags.

int charat(char *str, char c)

Finds and returns the index of a character. On failure returns -1.

 char * s = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit";
 printf("index of 'm' found at: %li\n", strchr(s, 'm') - s); // using string.h function
 // find index of 'm' with charat
 printf("index of 'm' found at: %i\n", charat(s, 'm')); // index of 'm' found at: 4

char * center(char *space, char *str, char *filler, int n)

Centers a string within a larger string.
The initialized length of "space" must be greater than or equal to "n"
which is the final length of "space" including "str".

char *chomp(char *str)

Returns the string with record separators removed from the end of the string.

bool compare(char *s1, const char *op, char *s2)

Returns true or false given two strings and a conditional operator:

symbol macro macro
">" GT GreaterThan
"<" LT LessThan
">=" GTE GreaterThanOrEqual
"<=" LTE LessThanOrEqual
"==" EQ Equal
"!=" NEQ NotEqual
  if (compare("Dogs", ">=", "Cats"))
    puts("Dogs are at least equal to Cats");
  if (compare("Cats", LessThan, "Dogs"))
  if (compare(somestring, NEQ, someotherstring)) { ...

Note: only the "symbols == < > <= >= !=" may be used in variables

char *concat(char *dest, ..., END)

Concatenate a variable number of strings.
END must be used for the last argument.
Warning: the destination buffer must initialized large enough to hold all the concatenations.

  char s[MAX_L];

  strcpy(s, "Ms ");

  concat(s, "Mary ", "Elizabeth ", "Smith", END);

  puts(s); // Ms Mary Elizabeth Smith

int contains(char *str, char *subs)

Returns a count of the number of substrings found. Returns 0 if none found.

 char line[] = "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore";

  printf("%d\n", contains(line, "id"));  // 2
  printf("%d\n", contains(line, "e")); // 4

int contvars(char *str, char *delim)

Returns a count of the number of delimited variables or tokens found in a C string. Returns 0 if none found. Ignores delimiters within double quotes.

string string_def(size_t length, char fill)

Returns a pointer to a new string allocated to size length and initialized with all fill character. Uses the string struct.

  typedef struct string {
    size_t length; // allocated length
    char *value;
  } string;

string string_new(const char *str)

Returns a pointer to a new string allocated to its size. Uses the string struct.

  string newstring = string_new("Hello World!");
  printf("%s - %ld\n", newstring.value, newstring.length);

string string_rsz(string s, size_t length)

Returns a new string variable re-allocated from an existing string.

  string s = string_def(10, '\0');
  string_cpy(s, "Hello");
  s = string_rsz(s, 20);
  strcat(s.value, " Universe");
  puts(s.value); // Hello Universe

bool string_cat(string s, char *data)

Concatenates data to a predefined "string" string
with boundary checking.

bool string_cpy(string s, char *data)

Copies a string into a predefined
"string" string with boundary checking.
Alternative to strncpy.

    string s = string_def(32, '\0');
    string_cpy(s, "Hello World");

void string_del(string s)

Frees memory for a string allocated with string_new or string_wrp.

string string_wrp(char *in, size_t length, char sep)

Reformats lines of text into separate lines of size length. Lines are created on word boundaries. Returns a new string with memory allocated to hold the new block of text (string.)

  char lines[] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\nconsectetur adipiscing elit,\nsed do . . .";

  string wrapped = string_wrp(lines, 30, '\n');
  printf("allocated: %ld\n", wrapped.length);
 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
 consectetur adipiscing elit,
 sed do eiusmod tempor
 incididunt ut labore et dolore
 magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
 veniam, quis nostrud
 exercitation ullamco laboris
 nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
 allocated: 255

char *decrypt(char *plain, char *etext, char *key)

Decrypts a buffer (from encrypt() function) into another plain text buffer.
Returns the plain text buffer.
Use a plain text key of less than 50 characters.
see encrypt

    size_t fsize = filesize(fi);  // get size of input file
    string s1 = string_def(fsize, '\0');  // create work buffer input
    string s2 = string_def(fsize, '\0');  // create work buffer output

    if (readfile(s1.value, fi) == -1) {
        puts("read input file failed");

    if (action == 'e') {
        printf("encrypting %s...\n", fi);
        encrypt(s2.value, s1.value, key);

    } else if (action == 'd') {
       printf("decrypting %s...\n", fi);
       decrypt(s2.value, s1.value, key);

    printf("%s size=%ld\n", fi, fsize);
    writefile (s2.value, outfile, false);


char *deletechar(char *buf, char *in, char *target, size_t start, size_t number)

Removes all target characters from a string.
Set starting index.
Limit deletions or 0 means no limit.

  char rec[] = "\"Edgar\", Allan , Poe,, \"American Author\"";
  char data[100];

  printf("%s\n", deletechar(data, rec, "\"", 12, 2));
         // "Edgar", Allan , Poe,, American Author
  printf("%s\n", deletechar(data, rec, "\"", 0, 2));
         // Edgar, Allan , Poe,, "American Author"
  deletechar(data, data, "Aaeiou\"", 0, 0);
  puts(data);  // Edgr, lln , P,, mrcn thr
  deletechar(data, data, "Edgr, ", 0, 0);
  puts(data);  // llnPmcnth

char *dollar(char *buff, double amount, int fsize, int type)

Returns a formatted US currency dollar amount.

  • type: 1 = no $ and no separator
  • type: 2 = yes $ and no separator
  • type: 3 = yes $ and yes separator

The formatted amount is returned right justified in the specified field size.
Warning: make sure the buffer is large enough to hold the formatted dollar amount with any padding

char *encrypt(char *etext, char *plain, char *key)

Uses a substitution cipher similar to the Vigenère cipher.
Encrypts a pre-defined plain text buffer into another buffer.
Returns the encrypted buffer.
Use a plain text key of less than 50 characters.
see decrypt

bool endswith (char *str, char *subs)

Returns true if string ends with specified substring, otherwise returns false.

bool equals(char *str1, char *str2)

Returns true if strings are equal, otherwise returns false.

bool equalsignore(char *str1, char *str2)

Returns true if strings are equal reguardless of any case differences, otherwise returns false.

char *field(char *fld, char *str, char delimiter, int column, bool strip)

Returns a substring at column n within a delimited string. When delimiter is a ' ' consecutive spaces act as a single delimiter. When strip is true leading and trailing whitespace is removed. Delimiters are ignored inside of double quotes. Double quotes are NOT REMOVED in the result. See deletechar function to remove quote characters. The original string is preserved. Returns NULL for an invalid column index.

char rec[] = "Author, \"Edgar, Allan, Poe\",  American";
char data[100];

void main() {

  for (int x=0; x < 3; x++) {
   printf("field %d: [%s]\n", x, 
            field(data, rec, ',', x, true));
  /* output:
   field 0: [Author]
   field 1: ["Edgar, Allan, Poe"]
   field 2: [American]


  for (int x=0; x < 3; x++) {
   printf("field %d: [%s]\n", x, 
            field(data, rec, ' ', x, true));
  /* output:
   field 0: [Author,]
   field 1: ["Edgar, Allan, Poe",]
   field 2: [American]

int indexof (char* base, char* str)

Returns the index of a substring within a string. If not found returns -1.

char *insert(char *buf, char *s, char *ins, size_t index)

Inserts a substring into a string at index.
The new string is copied into the first argument and returned.
Warning: the buffer must be large enough to hold the original string and the inserted string.

  char text[] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit";
  char buf[120];

  insert(buf, text, " amor", 26);
  puts(buf); //Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet amor, consectetur adipiscing elit

  puts(insert(buf, text, "\n", 28));
    // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
    // consectetur adipiscing elit

  puts(insert(buf, text, "prepended ", 0));
    // prepended Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

  puts(insert(buf, text, " appended.", strlen(text))); //
    // Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit appended.

char *insert_new(char *s, char *ins, size_t index)

Inserts a substring into a string at index. Returns a pointer to the new string allocated in the heap. Note: use the standard c 'free' function to deallocate.

  char text[] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit";
  char *buf = insert_new(text, " amor", 26);

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet amor, consectetur adipiscing elit

int lastcharat(char* base, char c)

Returns the last index of some character in a string. If not found returns -1.

bool isnum_us(char* str)

Return true if the string argument is numeric (whole or decimal) (US only).

int lastindexof (char* base, char* str)

Returns the last index of a substring within a string. If not found returns -1.

char *lof (char *buf, char *in, char *delim, int start)

Returns a pointer to a substring to the left of some delimiting string. A starting offet may be used or set to 0. Also see rof.

char buf[MAX_L];
char *line = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit";

void main () {

  lof(buf, line, "amet, ", 0); // [Lorem ipsum dolor sit ]
  printf("[%s]\n", buf);

  printf("[%s]\n", rof(buf, line, "amet, ", 0)); 
                // [consectetur adipiscing elit]

char *lowercase (char *str)

Returns the string in lower case.

char *ltrim (char *str)

Returns the string with trailing whitespace removed.

char *lpad(char *buff, char *str, char *filler, int n)

Returns a string with added left padding. The padding (filler) is another string which is repeated n times. Warning: the resulting buffer must be large enough to hold the original string and the padding.

char *replace (char *buf, char *in, char *target, char *replacement, size_t start, size_t number)

Replaces substrings within a string. Set starting index and limit replacements or set to 0, no limit. Warning: the resulting buffer must be large enough to hold the original string and the replacements.

  char mystr[64] = "The long and winding road.";
  char newstr[128];

  puts(replace(newstr, mystr, " ", ", ", 8, 1));
  // The long, and winding road.

  replace(newstr, newstr, "and ", "", 0, 0);
  puts(newstr); // The long, winding road.

char *replace_new (char *in, char *target, char *replacement, size_t start, size_t number)

Replaces substrings within a string. Limit replacements or set to 0, no limit. Returns a pointer to the new string allocated in the heap. Note: use the standard c 'free' function to deallocate.

  char mystr[32] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";

  char * newstr = replace_new(mystr,
                "labore et dolore magna",
                0, // start
                0); // how many
  printf("[%s] %ld\n", newstr, strlen(newstr));
  // [Lorem ipsum labore et dolore magna sit amet] 43


int replacechar (char *in, char target, char replacement, int number)

Replaces characters within a string. Limit replacements or set to 0, no limit. Returns count of replacements made.

  int c = 0;
  char line[] = "abcd abcd abcd";

  c = replacechar(line, 'a', 'A', 0);
  puts(line); // Abcd Abcd Abcd

  c = replacechar(line+5, 'd', '7', 1);
  puts(line); // Abcd Abc7 Abcd

int replacesz(char *in, char *target, char *replacement, int number)

Returns a calculated new string length for a more accurate memory allocation size when creating an output buffer for replace.

char *rof (char *buf, char *in, char *delim, int start)

Returns a pointer to a substring to the right of some delimiting string. Set a starting index or set to 0. See lof.

char *rpad(char *buff, char *str, char *filler, int n)

Returns a string with added right padding. The padding (filler) is another string which is repeated n times. Warning: the resulting buffer must be large enough to hold the original string and the padding.

char *rtrim (char *str)

Returns string with trailing whitespace removed.

bool startswith (char* str, char* subs)

Returns true if a string starts with some substring, otherwise returns false.

char *strcon(char *string, char *arr[], char *delim, int arr_size, int start)

concatenate strings from an array of strings
programmer is responsible for all bounds checking

 strcon(char*,  // return buffer
        char**,     // array of strings
        char*,      // delimiter
        int,        // rows in the array
        int);       // starting row number


char onestr[4096] = {'\0'}; // for the new SINGLE string

char *people[] = {"Mike", "Mark", "Caren", "Coline", "Katy"};

int sz = ARRSIZE(people);
strcon(onestr, people, "^^", sz, 0);
puts(onestr); // output: Mike^^Mark^^Caren^^Coline^^Katy

char *strrev (char *str)

Returns a string with the character sequence reversed.

char *lastsub (char *str, char *subs)

Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of some substring within a string. Returns NULL if not found. replaces missing strrstr function

int strtype (char *s, int istype)

functions to detect the type of a string.
Compliments ctype.h functions for characters:

ALPHA .. PUNCT is an enum in that order.
Returns int: 
- 0 = none found 
- N = number found 
- -1 = all found 
  char string[] = "Amount: 123.21";

  printf("  ALPHA = %d\n", strtype(string, ALPHA));
  printf("  ALNUM = %d\n", strtype(string, ALNUM));
  printf("  DIGIT = %d\n", strtype(string, DIGIT));
  printf("  PUNCT = %d\n", strtype(string, PUNCT));
  printf("  PRINT = %d\n", strtype(string, PRINT));
  printf("  SPACE = %d\n", strtype(string, SPACE));
  printf("  UPPER = %d\n", strtype(string, UPPER));
  printf("  LOWER = %d\n", strtype(string, LOWER));

/* output:
  ALPHA = 6
  ALNUM = 11
  DIGIT = 5
  PUNCT = 2
  PRINT = -1
  SPACE = 1
  UPPER = 1
  LOWER = 5

char *substr (char *buf, char *in, int position, int length)

Copies a substring within a string, located by a start position and a length, into a buffer, and returns it. Checks boundaries for overflow.

  char s[64] = "Hello Sublime Text";
  char data[64];

  printf("\n%s\n", substr(data, s, 6, 0)); // Sublime Text

  printf("%s\n", substr(data, s, 6, 7));  // Sublime

  substr(data, s, 0, 13);
  printf("%s\n", data); // Hello Sublime

char *trim (char *str)

Returns the string with both leading and trailing whitespace removed.

char *uppercase (char *str)

Returns the string in all upper case.

char *urlencode (char *buf, char *str)

Returns the string with all characters conforming to Uniform Resource Locator syntax rules.

  char querystring[] = "?key=value;client=First Middle Last";
  char encoded[64] = {'\0'};

  urlencode(encoded, querystring);

  // output: %3fkey%3dvalue%3bclient%3dFirst%20Middle%20Last

Number to string functions myc.h ^

Static and Dynamic memory versions. Thousands separator optional for all.

char *intstr(char *buf, int n, bool separator)

Copies an integer into a string buffer and returns pointer to it.

char *intstr_new(int n, bool separator)

Returns a new pointer to a string of an integer. (Dynamic)

char *lngstr(char *buf, long n, bool separator)

Copies a long value into a string buffer and returns pointer to it.

char *lngstr_new(long n, bool separator)

Returns a new pointer to a string of a long value. (Dynamic)

char *dblstr(char *buf, double n, int decimal, bool separator)

Copies a double value into a string buffer and returns a pointer to it. Requires a value for decimal places. Requires true to include thousands separators.

char *dblstr_new(double n, int decimal, bool separator)

Returns a new pointer to a string of a double value. Requires a values for decimal places. Requires true to include thousands separators. (Dynamic)

  puts(dblstr(snum, 321321321.321 / 3, 2, true)); // automatic memory
  // 107,107,107.11

  double n_dbl = 123456789.101 / 3;
  char *rnum = dblstr_new(n_dbl, 4, false); // dynamic memory
  puts(rnum); // 41152263.0337

Creating a List (static array of strings) myc.h ^

These functions operate around a static array of strings that
use a predefined struct.

 // struct used for list functions
 typedef struct list {
  int nbr_rows;  // maximum rows (columns, fields)
  int len_rows; // maximum length of one row (col, field)
  char ** item; // array of strings (fields)
 } list;

list list_def (int nbr_rows, int len_rows)

Returns a list structure variable with memory allocated to hold an array of strings.

 list a = list_def(20, 65); // 20 items

void list_init(list lst, ...)

After creating a new list use this to initialize each element with a string literal. NOTE: Each list item must be initialized.

  list my_list = list_def(5, 32);

  list_init( my_list,
        "first string",
        "second string",
        "third string",
        "fourth string",
        "fifth string" );

int list_find(list lst, char *str)

Finds an item in the list and returns its index. Returns -1 if not found.

void list_update(list lst, char *str, int element)

After creating a new list use this to initialize or change an element with a string literal.

  list my_list = list_def(5, 32);

  list_update(my_list, "F I R S T STRING", 0);
  list_update(my_list, "L A S T STRING", 4);

int list_split (list a, char *str, char *delim)

Splits a delimited string into a list (an array of strings.) Returns int of actual number parsed. Length of delimiter must be exactly 1. Define the list prior to using this function.

 list a = list_def(20, 65);
 int n = list_split(a, line_in, ",");

Individual list items can now be accessed like:

 a.item[n] // where n is the item (field) number

Delimiters are ignored inside double quotes. Double quotes are NOT REMOVED from the result fields. See deletechar function for removing quote characters. When delimiter is " " (space) consecutive spaces are treated as one delimiter. The input string is destroyed in the process.

void list_del(list a)

Frees memory allocated by list_def function.

 list a = list_def(20, 32);
 // process ...

void list_display (list a)

Prints out indexes and values to the console.

void list_inject(list lst, char *value, int inx)

Inserts a new list item at an existing index. Values are shifted down to allow for the new value thus changing the indexs of the shifted items. The last item in the list is dropped off. The dimensions of the list are not changed.
see list_remove

list list_read(char *filename, bool strip)

Reads a text file's lines into a list and returns the new list. Ending line separator is removed. To remove all leading and trailing whitespace set strip to true. Note: uses textlines to calculate the new list's allocated size.

  list flst = list_read("test.txt", false);

list list_redef(list lst1, int new_rows, int new_len)

Returns a RE-DEFined list with new dimensions. Retains items from lst1 and deallocates lst1.

void main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int x = 0;
  list lst = list_def(5, 32);

  list_init(lst, "Entry zero",
          "Entry ONE",
          "2 2 2 2 2",
          "Three Two One Zero",


  puts("\nadding two more rows ...\n");

  lst = list_redef(lst, 7, 32);

  list_update(lst, "added 1 after redef", 5);
  list_update(lst, "added 2 after redef", 6);



000 - [Entry zero]
001 - [Entry ONE]
002 - [2 2 2 2 2]
003 - [Three Two One Zero]
004 - [ffoouurr]

adding two more rows ...

000 - [Entry zero]
001 - [Entry ONE]
002 - [2 2 2 2 2]
003 - [Three Two One Zero]
004 - [ffoouurr]
005 - [added 1 after redef]
006 - [added 2 after redef]

void list_remove(list lst, int inx)

Removes a list item at an index.
Values are shifted up to fill the space. thus changing the indexes of the shifted items. The last item in the list becomes empty "\0". The dimensions of the list are not changed.
see list_inject

void list_io(list lst, char *filename, char mode)

Reads list items from and Saves to a text file. modes:

  • "r" read
  • "w" write

list list_dir(const char *path, int dtype, bool sort)

Returns a list struct filled with file and/or directory names for path. If sort is "true" then the names will be sorted in ascending order. dtype must be set to: dir = 0 files and directories dir = 1 just files dir = 2 just directories Note: list_dir makes use of the list struct.

  list d = list_dir("/home/user/", 1, true);

char *list_string(list lst, char *str, char *delim, bool quote)

Returns a field delimited string of list items.
Alphanumeric fields are enclosed in double quotes when quote is true.
Also zero length trailing rows are bypassed in the return string.

FILE & PATH functions myc.h ^

bool isbinary(char *filename)

Return true if filename is a binary file
otherwise, return false.

bool file_exists (char *filename)

Return true if filename exists otherwise, returns false.

long filesize(const char *filename)

Returns the byte size of a file.

void filecopy(char *src, char *dst)

void filedelete(char *file)

void filemove(char *src, char *dst)

  if(file_exists(f2)) {
    if(zenmsg("Exists", "Overwrite Destination file?", "question") == ZENMSG_YES)
      filemove(f1, f2);
  } else {
    filemove(f1, f2);

int isfile(const char* name)

Return 1 if name is a file. Returns 0 if name is a directory. Returns -1 if name is undetermined.

char *getbasename(char *fn, bool withext)

Returns the basename of a file with or without the file extension.

char *getbasepath(char *fn, char *buff)

Returns only the fullpath of a file without the file name itself. see getfullpath

char *getfullpath(char *fn, char *buff)

Returns the fullpath of a file. see getbasepath

char * getini(char *value, char *file, char *name)

Returns the value of a key name found in an ini file.

FILE * open_for_append (char *fname)

Returns a FILE handle to fname or NULL if unsuccessful.

FILE * open_for_read (char *fname)

Returns a FILE handle to fname or NULL if unsuccessful.

FILE * open_for_write (char *fname)

Returns a FILE handle to fname or NULL if unsuccessful.

int readfile (char *buffer, const char *filename)

Loads buffer with the contents of filename or returns -1 if unsuccessful.

void textlines(int count[2], char * filename)

Returns count[0] number of lines and count[1] length of longest line in a text file.

int writefile (char *buffer, const char *filename, bool append)

Writes buffer to the contents of filename or returns -1 if unsuccessful. Appends to file if append is true.

Utility & Miscellaneous (myc.h) ^


Macro expands to: (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) to return an array length (number of elements.)

int cbcopy(char *text)

Copies from text to the X system clipboard
Return code of 0 means successful.
NOTE: "xclip" must be installed on the Linux system.

char* cbpaste(char *text)

Pastes into text from the X system clipboard
returns text.
NOTE: "xclip" must be installed on the Linux system.

colors for terminal output

clr_fg.color colors forground
clr_bg.color colors background


dft (default)
  printf("%s%s\n", clr_fg.cyan, "This will be cyan...");

void isort (int values[], int n)

Sorts an array of n integer values.

void ssort (const char* arr[], int n, bool case)

Sorts an array of n strings. if case is "true" the sort will be case-insensitive.

char *strings[] = { "Zorro",
          "decimal man"};
. . .
 ssort(strings, ARRSIZE(strings), false);


 ssort(strings, ARRSIZE(strings), true);



  decimal man

  decimal man

void dsort (double values[], int n)

Sorts an array of n doubles.

char *date (char *format)

Returns a date string in a strftime format. (see man strftime for the format codes.)

  puts(date("%B %F %r")); // February 2022-02-05 10:29:17 AM

void flogf(FILE * fs, char *fmt, ...)

A variation on fprintf to be used for logging and debugging. flogf only accepts the following formats:

symbol type
f float / double
d integer decimal
s string
l long
$ double %.2f
  int x = 123;
  long y = 1231231234;
  double amount = 98765.345;

  flogf(stdout, "%s %d \n", "Value of x:", x);

  flogf(stdout, "long value:%l\n", y); // %l is long for flogf

  flogf(stderr, "log: %s line: %d -- amount: %$\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, amount);

  flogf(stdout, "%s Begin App!\n", date("%F %r"));

  FILE * log_file = open_for_append("logfile.txt");
  flogf(log_file, "%s Begin App!\n", date("%F %r"));

   /////////// OUTPUT ////////////
  // Value of x: 123
  // long value:1231231234
  // log: flogf.c line: 62 -- amount: 98765.35
  // 2022-03-29 02:12:24 PM Begin App!

void timeout (int sec, function)

timeout sets up a SIGALRM to call function after sec seconds.

  void timeout_hand() {
    // user timout handler function
   // code actions to occur
   // at end of timeout

  . . .

  timeout(6, timeout_hand); // call "timout_hand" every 6 seconds

  . . .

void multifree(int num, ...)

Free multiple (num) heap pointers. Also sets to NULL.

 char *w1 = malloc(1000);
 char *w2 = malloc(2000);

 multifree(2, w1, w2);

ERRMSG(a, b, c) (errmsg(a, b, c, LINE))

Macro to display an error event errmsg works with the ERRMSG macro use ERRMSG with three arguments: 1> the return code to be checked 2> true or false to terminate the program 3> an additional error or debug message (string)

 if (realpath("../nope", fpath) == NULL) {
  ERRMSG(errno, true, "realpath returned NULL");
 } else {

 ERRMSG near line: 40, errno: 2 No such file or directory
 realpath returned NULL
 Program Exited

Use -1 in 1st argument for non-stock error message.

void randini()

Seeds random number generator. Use once before using one or more calls to randnum function.

long randnum(long min, long max)

Returns a randum number between and inclusive of some min and max values.

Gtk Dialogs ^

website Zenity is required for these functions.

 apt install zenity

int zenmsg(char *title, char *msg, char *type)

Message dialog of four varieties: info, question, error, warning.

  if (zenmsg("Hey!", "Asking you a question ...", "question")) {
    zenmsg("title", "you answered NO", "info"); // returned 256
  } else {
    zenmsg("TITLE ..", "you answered YES", "info"); // returned 0

void zenfile(char *selected, char *start, bool savemode)

File dialogs for open or save. savemode open = false, save = true Existence of file to be saved is not checked. Selected file fullpath stored into first argument.

  char data[256];
  zenfile(data, "/usr/local/bin", false); // open file dialog

void zenform(char *formdata, char *layout)

Design and show a form to collect information. Form widgets include: entry, calendar, list, and combo A delimited string of responses is stored into first argument.

  char data[256];
  char form_layout[] =
    "--title='New Member' "
    "--text='Enter your information' "
    "--separator=',' "
    "--add-entry='Your full name' "
    "--add-password='Password' "
    "--add-entry='Your Email' "
    "--add-combo='Fav ice cream' "
    "--combo-values='strawberry|cherry|vanilla|chocolate' "
    "--add-calendar='Birthday' "
    "--add-list='Fav Color' "
    "--list-values='black|blue|red|orange|green|yellow' ";
  zenform(data, form_layout);
  puts(data); // Delimited items from the form response

void zenlist(char *selected, char *layout)

Design and show a list with columns. column data is space delimited.

  char list_layout[] =
    "--title='New Friends' "
    "--text='Enter your information' "
    "--print-column='1' " // or 'ALL'
    "--multiple "    // optional multiple row selection
    "--separator=',' " // optional delimited results 
    "--column='Name' "   // column 1
    "--column='Age' "    // column 2
    "--column='Fav Color' " // column 3
    "Jack 70 orange " // space delimited data ...
    "Joel 60 blue "
    "Jill 65 yellow "
    "Jane 66 purple "
    "James 50 'dark red' ";

  zenlist(data, list_layout);
  puts(data); // what was selected

char *zentry(char *entry, char *title, char *text, char *default)

Dialog with a single entry field.

  char data[256];
  zentry(data, "zentry exam.", "Enter something witty!", "");
  puts(data); // what was entered

void zentext(char* content, char *title, char *filename, bool edit)

Dialog to display/edit simple text file. false = read only.

  zentext(data, "Notes (edit)", "testinfo.txt", true);
  // edited content is now in 'data'
  // write back the the file
  FILE * f = open_for_write("testinfo.txt");
  fprintf(f, "%s", data);

char *zenpass(char pass, char title, bool username)

Dialog to obtain username and password or just password (false)

  zenpass(data, "user / passwd", true);

void zenotify(char *text, bool icon)

Displays a system notification. true to include an "info" icon.

"Time Break" program:

char mesg[256] = {'\0'}; // your message from argv[1]
int sec = 0; // wait time set from argv[2]

void main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

  if (argc < 3)
    ERRMSG(-1, true, "Missing Arguments: message seconds");

  sec = atoi(argv[2]);
  strcpy(mesg, argv[1]);

  while(true) {
    if (file_exists("timebrk.stop")) {
      zenotify("Stopping timebrk", true);
    } else {
      zenotify("Starting TimeBrk", true);
    zenmsg("Time Brk", argv[1], "warning");
  } // while infinite loop

void zen(char *buf, char *code)

This is a generic function for zenity dialogs. Put all of the zenity code except "zenity" in the second argument.

    The "zen" function is completely 'free form'.
    It just supplies the 'zenity ' command and you
    supply the rest in a string. It purpose is to
    allow for other zenity dialogs or variations
    not covered by the other "myc.h zenity" functions.

  // color picker dialog
  zen(data, "--color-selection --show-palette");

  // scale dialog
  zen(data, "--scale --text='How many jelly-beans are in the jar?' --value=100");

  // password entry dialog
  zen(data, "--password --username");

  // calendar dialog
  concat(src, "--calendar ",
        "--text='Click on a date to select it.' ",
        "--date-format='%F' ", // strftime formats
  zen(data, src);

Sample Program using myc.h ^

Here is a simple program that sets up a C project. It uses some of the zenity functions as well as several myc functions. Notice in particular how the list_ functions and enums help with the output from the zenform to make the process clean and easy.

/* cproj.c
 This is a simple demo of what a C program
 looks like when using some of the myc.h
 features. It uses some of the zenity functions 
 as well as several myc functions. Notice in particular 
 how the list\_ functions and enums help with the output 
 from the zenform to make the process clean and easy.

cproj program

#include <myc.h>

void main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

  char specs[1024] = {'\0'}; // will be used for multiple purposes
  char path[1024] = {'\0'};
  char initial[256] = {'\0'};
  enum names {DIR, EXC, SRC, MODE, API}; // five fields

  char form_layout[] =
    "--title='New C Project' "
    "--text='Enter New Project Information' "
    "--separator=',' "
    "--add-entry='New Directory' "
    "--add-entry='Executable' "
    "--add-entry='Source Name' "
    "--add-combo='Interface' "
    "--combo-values='Gtk-3|Console' "
    "--add-list='Other API' "
    "--list-values='None|Network|Sqlite3 db|Network + Sqlite3' ";
  zenform(specs, form_layout);

  list form = list_def(5, 64);
  list_split(form, specs, ",");

  if (equals(form.item[EXC], "") ||
    equals(form.item[SRC], "") ||
    equals(form.item[MODE], "") ||
    equals(form.item[API], "")) {
    zenmsg("Aborting", "Canceled or One or more fields left blank.", "error");

  // Obtain default path to projects
  readfile(initial, "initial_directory"); // one line file with main proj path
  zenfile(path, trim(initial), false, true);


  // Make directory and copy over starter source file
  strcpy(specs, path);
  concat(specs, "/", form.item[DIR], END);
  mkdir(specs, 0755);
  concat(specs, "/", form.item[SRC], END);
  filecopy("./src.c", specs);

    Create complile script (cmpc)
    The helper scripts (cmp_con, cmp_gtk)
    should be placed in the system path.
    This generated script (cmpc) will provide
    the correct parameters to one of these two

  if ( equals(form.item[MODE], "Console") ) {
    strcpy(specs, "cmp_con ");
  } else {
    strcpy(specs, "cmp_gtk ");

  concat(specs, 4, form.item[EXC], " ", form.item[SRC], " ");

  if ( equals(form.item[API], "Network"))
    strcat(specs, "\"-l curl\"");
  else if ( equals(form.item[API], "Sqlite3"))
    strcat(specs, "\"-l sqlite3\"");
  else if ( equals(form.item[API], "Network + Sqlite3"))
    strcat(specs, "\"-l sqlite3 -l curl\"");

  strcat(specs, " \n"); // add a linefeed

  // WRITE "cmpc" FILE

  concat(path, "/", form.item[DIR], "/cmpc", END);

  writefile(specs, path, false);


  sprintf(specs, "chmod 755 %s", path);
  zenotify("cproj completed", true);

Sample Program

Log Out Gui

sysquit program

#include <myc.h>

void main () {
    char data[256] = {'\0'};

    char list_layout[] =
    "--title='Log Out' "
    "--text='select one then Ok or Cancel' "
    "--separator=' ' "
    "--column='Action' "
    "Shutdown "
    "Reboot "
    "Suspend ";

    zenlist(data, list_layout);
    puts(data); // what was selected

    if(equals(data, "Shutdown")) {
        system("shutdown now");
    else if(equals(data, "Reboot")) {
    else if(equals(data, "Suspend")) {
        system("systemctl suspend");
    else {

DATABASE Sqlite3 mydb.h ^

void mydb_open(char * dbname)

Opens an Sqlite3 database using file name is dbname. Checks for existing database file. Exits with error if open fails. db is the database connection pointer. To open another database the open one must be closed first with sqlite3_close(db);

int mydb_count(char *tablename, char *where)

Returns a count(*) result. Uses a where clause. Use empty quotes in where clause to count all rows.

 printf("total rows = %i\n\n", mydb_count("guns", ""));
 printf("total rows = %i\n\n", mydb_count("guns", "where sex = 'Female'"));

int mydb_names(char *tablename)

Loads an array of strings (mydb_col) containing the text of the column names. Returns the count of columns.

  rc = mydb_names("guns"); // table name is 'guns'

  printf("number of columns = [%d]\n", rc);

  for (int x=0; x < rc; x++) {
    printf("%s\n", mydb_col[x]);


The following function template must be used to process the row/col values after using the sqlite3_exec function. Have one or many.

user function to handle result set
note:  may need many different callback functions and/or
     use the qid parameter to direct action in one callback
static int resultset(void *qid, int argc, char **argv, char **col) {
  int i;

  // (const char*)qid; // can use for process control or heading

  // one row: process each column in order of sql statement
  for(i = 0; i<argc; i++) {
    printf("%s = %s\n", col[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL");
  return 0;


Example using mydb.h functions and above template ...
  int rc = 0;

  mydb_open("guns.db"); // the database pointer is now 'db'

  //char * sql = "select distinct education from guns";

  rc = sqlite3_exec(db,
             "select distinct education from guns",
             "ITEM>>>>", // or whatever
             0); // or &err_msg

  printf("rc from exec was [%d]\n\n", rc); // 1==ERROR, 0==SUCCESS

  printf("total rows = %i\n\n", mydb_count("guns", "")); // -1==FAIL

  rc = mydb_names("guns"); // -1==FAIL | loads **mydb_col

  printf("number of columns = [%d]\n", rc);

  for (int x=0; x < rc; x++) {
    printf("%s\n", mydb_col[x]);


NET/WEB functions mynet.h ^

bool webpage(char *mybuffer, int sz, char *url)

Returns the web page code text from url into mybuffer. sz is buffer size of mybuffer.

 char *pagebuf;
 pagebuf = calloc(10000, sizeof(char*));
 if (!webpage(pagebuf, 10000, "https://example.com")) {
  printf("exiting because of webpage failure\n");
 } else {
  printf("webpage success!\n%s\n", pagebuf);

bool webget(char *request)

Perform a GET request with key-value querystring.

  concat(dat, "https://somewhere.net/test/fromgetcurl.php",
          urlencode(wrk, "1st-key is data"),
          urlencode(wr2, "2nd-key is 'var'..."),

  if (!webget(dat)) {
   printf("exiting because of webget failure\n");
  } else {
   printf("webget success!\n");

bool webpost(char *url, char *vp_data)

Perform a POST request to url with payload vp_data.

 char url[] = "https://somewhere.net/test/frompostcurl.php";
 // prepare querystring
 concat(dat, "data=",
        urlencode(wr1, "content & ampersand!"),
        urlencode(wr2, "second variable content!!!!"),

 // post to server
 if (!webpost(url, dat)) {
  printf("exiting because of webpost failure\n");
 } else {
  printf("webpost success!\n");

bool webbrowser(const char *url)

Opens the website at url in the current system default browser.

  if (!webbrowser("https://tekvow.net")) {
   printf("exiting because of webbrowser mynet.h failure\n");
  } else {
   printf("webbrowser success!\n");

end of document