
How to extract multiple ICU stays from each patient?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

ducnx commented

As the question states, can you please give instructions on how to extract multiple ICU stays from each patient, e.g which functions do we have to modify?
Thank you.

ducnx commented

Further details for the first comment: I know that MIMIC_Extract defaults to extract first ICU admissions. However, some researches use multiple ICU stays for evaluation and I want to compare fairly with them. That's why I raise the issue.
I know that I have to modify the file, but I'm not sure where to change.

Unfortunately, this isn't something we natively support and I don't have the cycles immediately to give a full walk through, but I suspect changing the population extraction query to remove that filter would work on its own, actually. See here for that filter:

Hope that helps, and as with #41 please feel free to file another issue as a feature request if this is something you'd like us to officially support, and we'll get to it when we can!