Text Generation with Efficient (Soft) Q-Learning

Text Generation with Efficient (Soft) Q-Learning
Han Guo, Bowen Tan, Zhengzhong Liu, Eric P. Xing, Zhiting Hu



Please see requirements.txt and Dockerfile for detailed dependencies. The major ones include

  • python 3.8 or later (for type annotations and f-string)
  • pytorch==1.8.1
  • transformers==4.5.1

Note: if you ever encounter issues regarding hydra, consider downgrading it.


Docker Setup

To build the docker image, run the following script.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \
    -t ${TAG} \
    -f Dockerfile .

Additional steps (inside Docker)

  1. Install the master branch of texar (and a few other dependencies) via bash scripts/install_dependencies.sh
  2. Install GEM-metrics. We use the version at commit 2693f3439547a40897bc30c2ab70e27e992883c0. Note that some dependencies might override transformers version.

Data Setup

  1. Most of the data are available at https://huggingface.co/datasets.
  2. We use nltk==3.5 in data preprocessing.


Learning from Noisy (Negative) Text

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="entailment.snli_entailment_1_sampled" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=101 \
    translation.top_k=50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \
    translation.reward_name="entailment3" \
    translation.warmup_training_mode="sql-offpolicy" \


  1. Maximum Decoding Length set to 10
  2. Decoder positiion embedding length set to 65

Black-box Universal Adversarial Attacks

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="attack.mnli" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=51 \
    translation.top_k=50 \
    translation.num_batches_per_epoch=1000 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \


  1. Decoder position embedding length set to 75 (MNLI)
  2. Change rewards = (rewards + 10 * nll_reward + 100) / 2

Prompting Pre-trained Language Model for Controllable Generation

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="prompt.gpt2_mixed" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=501 \
    translation.num_batches_per_epoch=100 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \
    translation.top_k=50 \
    translation.reward_name="gpt2-topic" \
    translation.warmup_training_mode="sql-offpolicy" \


  1. For different token length, remember to change the max_length.

Supervised Language Generation Tasks

python run_experiments.py \
    translation.task_name="standard.e2e" \
    translation.training_mode="sql-mixed" \
    translation.save_dir=${USER_SPECIFIED_SAVE_DIR} \
    translation.num_epochs=201 \
    translation.reward_shaping_min=-50 \
    translation.reward_shaping_max=50 \

Code Structure


This directory contains configurations for models as well as data. Notably, configs/data lists some task-specific configurations such as file-paths, and configs/models lists configurations of models, all in the texar format. configs/config.yaml lists configurations in the hydra format. Please update the paths etc based on your own usages.


This directory contains the core components of the soft Q-learning algorithm for text generation.


This directory contains the core components of the models and GEM-metrics.