
This project makes it easier for people to connect, gather and share their views on a particular tech topic. Hosts of events can share content on the internet, and anyone is allowed to create, share and browse this content. A collection of like minded individuals gathering to knowledge share and network (online or in person).

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Meet & Learn

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript React MongoDB NodeJS React Router Apollo-GraphQL GraphQL Google Cloud NPM

License: MIT GitHub repo size GitHub top language GitHub last commit node.js

Table of Contents


This project makes it easier for people to connect, 
gather and share their views on a particular tech topic. 
Hosts of events can share content on the internet, 
and anyone is allowed to create, share and browse this content. 
A collection of like minded individuals gathering to 
knowledge share and network (online or in person).

User Story

As An event organiser
I WANT to find people like me
SO THAT I can share my knowledge, learn and network.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a single-page application to create events
WHEN I load the application I am taken to the Home Page
THEN I am asked to log in or sign up

WHEN I click on sign up
THEN I am asked to enter my username, email and password

WHEN I am logged in
THEN I am able to click on an event to show the details

WHEN I want to create an event
THEN I click in my account dropdown and enter the event's detail in the form

WHEN I want to get a list of the events I am hosting
THEN I click in my account dropdown dashboard

WHEN I am logged out 
THEN I am redirect to the Home Page

Mock up

The following animation shows the web application's appearance and functionality:

Meet and Learn .

You can view the deployed App at this link. Meet and Learn


This App is covered by the
License: MIT


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