This is the PyTorch implementation of the TSception in our paper:
Yi Ding, Neethu Robinson, Qiuhao Zeng, Dou Chen, Aung Aung Phyo Wai, Tih-Shih Lee, Cuntai Guan, "TSception: A Deep Learning Framework for Emotion Detection Useing EEG", in IJCNN 2020, WCCI'20 available here
It is an end-to-end deep learning framework to do classification from raw EEG signals.
python == 3.6 and above
torch == 1.2.0 and above
numpy == 1.16.4
h5py == 2.9.0
This code is double checked by Quihao Zeng.
Different from images, the EEG data can be treated as 2D time series, whose dimensions are channels (EEG electrodes) and time respectively, (Fig.1) The channels here are the EEG electrodes instead of RGB dimensions in image or the input/output channels for convolutional layers. Because the electrodes are located on different areas on the surface of human's head, the channel dimension contains spatial information of EEG; Time dimension is full of temporal information instead. In order to train a classifier, the EEG signal will be split into shorter time segments by a sliding window with certain overlap along time dimension. Each segment will be one input sample for the classifier.
Fig.1 EEG data. The hight is channels dimesion and the width is time dimension.
TSception can be divided into 3 main parts: temporal learner, spatial learner and classifier(Fig.2). The input is fed into the temporal learner first followed by spatial learner. Finally, the feature vector will be passed through 2 fully connected layer to map it to the corresponding label. The dimension of input EEG segment is (channels x 1 x timepoint_per_segment), in our case, it is (4 x 1 x 1024), since it has 4 channels, and 1024 data points per channel. There are 9 kernels for each type of temporal kernels in temporal learner, and 6 kernels for each type of spatial kernels in spatial learner. The multi-scale temporal convolutional kernels will operate convolution on the input data parallelly. For each convolution operation, Relu() and average pooling is applied on the feature. The output of each level temporal kernel are concatenated along feature dimension, after which batch normalization is applied. In spatial learner, global kernel and hemisphere kernel are used to extract spatial information. Specially, the output of the two spatial kernels will be concatenated along channel dimension after Relu, and average pooling. The flattened feature map will be fed into fully connected layer. After dropout layer and softmax activation function the classification result will be generated.For more details, please see the comments in the code and our paper.
Fig.2 TSception structure
Please cite our paper if you use our code in your own work: