
Programmatic implementation of matricial image manipulation

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Matrix Image Manipulation

Build & Test Go

This project wishes to provide the programmatic implementation for a paper that provides the mathematical basis of common operations in computer vision. It provides a CLI, written in Golang, that allows for basic image manipulation operations.

Running the project


Precompiled Binaries

Download the .zip corresponding to your operating system from the Releases page and extract to a directory of choice. Open the directory and run the executable as normal in your operating system.

Building from source

These instructions are OS-agnostic, for OS-specific queries please refer to the Go documentation

If not installed, download Go and Git, open a terminal window and run the following commands in the directory you would like to download the project to and run the following in order.

git clone https://github.com/MM-coder/matrix-image-manipulation.git
cd matrix-image-manipulation
go build

This will create the matrix-image-manipulation executable, in this case a .exe, to run it, you can call it in your terminal or double-click the executable


This will bring up the CLI.

Usage Guide

The CLI is currently in Portuguese, it will first ask you for a file path, for this guide we will use the provided gnome.png file that's located in the repository root. This file path must be a valid PNG file.

Qual o path do ficheiro: gnome.png

You must next pick the operation you'd like to do on the image:

Escolha uma operação:
1: Filtro Gaussiano
2: Converter para Grayscale
3: Alterar Contraste
4: Alterar Luminosidade
Escolha (1, 2, 3 ou 4):

Gaussian Filter

This will blur the image with a Gaussian filter with σ = 2.5 and a kernel size of 7 and save the output to {filename}_new.png.


This will convert the image to greyscale and save the output to {filename}_new.png.


This will ask you for the value of m and b in the equation G(u) = mu+b and save the output to {filename}_new.png.

Qual o path do ficheiro: gnome.png
Escolha uma operação:
1: Filtro Gaussiano
2: Converter para Grayscale
3: Alterar Contraste
4: Alterar Luminosidade
Escolha (1, 2, 3 ou 4): 3
3.1: Insira o valor de m: 1
3.2: Insira o valor de b: -1


If you insert m=-1 and b=1 you will invert the image


This will ask you for the value of b in the equation G(u) = u+b and save the output to {filename}_new.png.

Qual o path do ficheiro: gnome.png
Escolha uma operação:
1: Filtro Gaussiano
2: Converter para Grayscale
3: Alterar Contraste
4: Alterar Luminosidade
Escolha (1, 2, 3 ou 4): 4
4.1: Insira o valor de b:

TIP: You'll only notice a difference for larger values of b like b=50