This is a simple java application.
- make
- bash
- docker
if you are using windows, you will have to use wsl
test application:
make test
build executable fat jar:
make build_jar
make run
open and enter a dev_env container:
make dev_env
- rework workflow and release management [ in progress ]
- do version management in makefile (run docker command to run bash script) ?
- create branch "feature/${FEATURE_NAME}" from dev
- develop the feature (build_snapshot.yml will rebuild on commit)
- make sure it works and doesn't break anything
- create a pull request to dev
- trigger gh action "Trigger Minor/Major Release" to trigger a new release
(all features merged to dev since the last release will be included in the new release)
- create branch "hotfix/${FEATURE_NAME}" from the release/XYZ branch
- merge to release/XYZ branch and dev
- If the release Branch is finished, merge it to main
all features merged to YYY since the last release will be included in the patch release
- trigger gh action "Trigger Patch Release" to trigger a new patch release