List of maths utils used for our project 🙌
Generic maths utils.
Example of usage
import { clamp } from 'mm-utils/maths';
const clampedVal = clamp(val, -1, 1);
Clamp a value between two bounds
function clamp(v, min, max);
Distance between two points
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Linear interpolation between two values (lerping)
function lerp(x, y, r)
Lighten or darken a color
function lightenDarkenColor(col, amt)
Re-maps a number from one range to another
function map(v, start1, stop1, start2, stop2)
Loop on an index value
function modAbs(index, length)
Normalize a value between two bounds
function normalize(min, max, x)
Remap the 0..1 interval into 0..1 parabola, such that the corners are remaped to 0 and the center to 1 In other words, parabola(0) = parabola(1) = 0, and parabola(1/2) = 1
function parabola(k, x)
Generate a random float
function randomFloat(minValue, maxValue, precision = 2)
Generate a random hexadecimal color
function randomHexColor()
Generate a random integer
function randomInt(min, max)
Smooth a value
function smoothStep(v, min, max)