
an app to generate random haikus - practice testing and random gen. - Epicodus

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An application for determing if a phrase is a haiku

By Todd Walraven and Mariam Alaeddin


Ever feel poetic and want to write a haiku? Well our app will help you do just that! Enter your lines in each input box and let us tell you whether or not you should pursue poetry.


  • Behaviour: user inputs a phrase and phrase is returned to them

    • Input: This is a haiku
    • Output: This is a haiku
  • Behaviour: User inputs a phrase and the number of vowels is returned to them

    • Input: This is a haiku
    • Output: 6
  • Behaviour: User inputs a phrase into 3 inputs and it returns the number of vowels for the three inputs.

    • Input: 1: I said 2: this is a :haiku
    • Output: 9

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • This is a great place
  • to list setup instructions
  • in a simple
  • easy-to-understand
  • format

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Technologies Used

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Copyright (c) 2016 {List of contributors or company name}