
Week 1 Assignment 1: Breaking Into Data & MLOps^TM - By MikikoGPT

  • I created a custom GPT called "Breaking Into Data & MLOps^TM" that helps people get answers on pivotting to data analytics, science, or MLOps.
  • I get a ton of messages on LI from people asking me for advice and help, partially because of my role as a DevRel but also because I spent a couple years creating various forms of content about my journey becoming a data scientist without a masters or PhD.
  • The messages tend to be pretty similar and often times involves re-directing folks to blog posts or videos I've already crated (but that tend to be really long because I consume ins tream but produce in batch).

Could I outsource answering messages so that not only am I able to focus on long-tail cases but I can also unblock the folks that ask me for help?

So I created MikikoGPT.

Other reasons why I liked this direction:

  • I essentially have an easily accessible, reasonable size training data based on content that I personally created and that I can speak to the ownership & provenance;
  • I can evaluate the quality of the responses based on actual conversations;
  • I can share the GPT as a useful resource as well as customize further as an internal tool.


What I learned

The Pros

  • In cases that don’t require a lot of personalization (for example, the message is generic or short), MikikoGPT can give a reasonably comprehensive response in a minute fraction of the time that I can.
  • Adding memory (especially the linkedin timeline) is really helpful for some grounding.
  • Especially in cases where I’ve written very long posts, using a chat-interface can help deliver the 80/20 of information in a digestible format.

The Limitations

  • Details can get lost, especially with regards to specific links and technology.
  • Although MikikoGPT captured the spirit of the advice I’d give in most cases, it didn’t necessarily offer strong opinions, which I think is one of my primary value-propositions.
  • There’s additional information I usually leverage as part of my recommendations, including the candidate’s goals, their LinkedIn profile, experiences and skills.
  • Hallucinations and links: Although MikikoGPT did reference the uploaded documents at times, links weren’t given even though the blog posts I’ve written included at least 50 links of resources.
  • Maybe because the files were uploaded as pdfs and some of the links didn’t get pulled in?

Questions I still have

  • How can I ensure that MikikoGPT is updated with recent, relevant information?
  • What are the boundaries of MikikoGPT and how do I maintain or influence them?
  • I.e. What do I want MikikoGPT to do versus when do I want MikikoGPT to redirect users to contact me directly?
  • The tone and style still feel more like ChatGPT and less like me.
  • How can I safely integrate MikikoGPT to take actions on my behalf but also have a review and intervention stage so I can update or influence the response?
  • Finally, how can I make sure MikikoGPT is being fine-tuned when needed?