Supported game version :: Steam, RGL, Epic games

Supported game mode :: Fullscreen / Windowed / Fullscreen in window

Supported processors :: Intel and AMD

Supported OS :: Windows 8.1, 10, 11

Supported builds :: All

❗️❗️❗️NOTES❗️❗️❗️ The given text explains various cheats and options available in a video game. The cheats include abilities such as invincibility, ultra-fast running, high jumping, flying through walls, and becoming invisible. There are also options to have infinite stamina and DeadEye ability, disable wanted status and ragdoll effects, and prevent being lassoed. The "Cores helper" allows for refilling, always full, or refill of health, stamina, and DeadEye cores. Other options involve manipulating player models, interacting with online players, griefing options, friendly options like setting invincibility on a horse, teleporting options, weapon options like infinite ammo and aimbot, horse options like invincibility, infinite stamina, and speed boost, spawning options for vehicles, NPCs, rare animals, objects, and horses. World options include changing weather and freezing time, while recovery options involve manipulating in-game currency. Lastly, there are cheat protection options and settings to adjust the menu position and save/load configurations.

Invincible - Immortality

Ultra run - Fast run

Super jump - High jump

No clip - Fly through walls

Invisible - Invisible

Infinite run stamina - Infinite stamina

Infinite DeadEye ability - Infinite DeadEye ability.

Disable wanted status - Disable wanted status

Disable ragdoll - Disable ragdoll.

Disable lasso effect - Disable lasso (you can't be taken)

Cores helper - Cores:

Refill cores / Refill everything

Always full cores / Always refill everything

Refill health core

Refill stamina core / Restore stamina

Refill deadeye core / Restore DeadEye

Clear ped - Clear player model

Ped scale - Size of player model

Apply ped scale - Apply new player model size

Network [Online players]:

All online players - Actions for all players:

Display all players / ESP on all players

Draw distance

Spectate player

Teleport to player - Teleport to player

Teleport to me - Teleport player to me (only works when player is in a vehicle, horse does not count)

Griefing options - Player attack options:

Clear player tasks / Freeze

Explosion type [1/35] / Explosion type

Explode player

Explode loop / Explode player

Burn player

Clone player

Friendly - Friendly options:

Set invincible horse / Set infinite stamina on player's horse

Refill horse stamina / Restore horse stamina

Refill and overpower horse cores / Refill player's horse cores.

Show profile

Send friend request

Teleport [Teleport Options]:

Teleport to marker - Teleport to a marker on the map

Teleport to last horse - Teleport to last horse

Popular locations

City's and helpful locations

Weapone [Weapon Options]:

Infinite ammo clip - Infinite ammo clip

Enable aimbot - Activate aimbot (only on players):

Aimbot range fov / Aimbot range fov

Aimbot smooth / Aimbot aiming speed

One hit kill - One hit kill

Entity information gun - Object information when aiming

Fire maker - Fire bullets

Bullet type [0/3] - Bullet type

Modify bullets - Modify bullets

Freeze gun - Freeze sight

Horse [Horse Options]:

Invincible horse - Immortal horse

Infinite stamina - Infinite stamina

Speedboost horse - Increase horse speed

Invisible horse - Invisible horse

Spawn [Spawn Options]:

Vehicles - Spawn Vehicles

Peds - Spawn Nps

Legendary animals [1000% ban risk if you want to spawn and sell] - Spawn rare animals [1000% ban if you want to spawn and sell].

Objects - Spawn objects

Horses - Spawn Horses

World [World Options]:

Weather changer

Weather delay - Delay between changes

Select hour - Select hour

Freeze time - Freeze the current time

Set time - Set time

Train control - Train control:

  • Speed boost train

Recovery [Scaling Options]:

[SP] Cash amount - Money single game

[SP] Add selected cash amount - Add selected amount of money, single game

[SP] Remove selected cash amount - Remove selected amount of money, single game[Online] Spawn coin's collection [10x] - Spawn coin's collection, online

[Spawn Suit Of Cups Tarot [10x] - Spawn Tarot Cards, online

[Online] Spawn Lost Necklace [10x] - Spawn Necklace, online

[Online] Spawn Lost Ring [10x] - Spawn Lost Rings, online

[Spawn Old Alcohol [10x] - Spawn Old Alcohol, online.

(You can sell items from spawned chests through the cygan "Nazar", but you will need to buy a bag from her for 10 gold to trade).

Protection [Cheater Protection Options]:

Block crash entities - Block crash modelers

Block clear ped tasks - Block freezes

Block fire and explosion - Block explosions

Block ptfx - Block other events


Position pitch - X position of the menu

Position yaw - Y position of the menu

Save config - Save config

Load config - Load config