Mini month plugin for MMM-CalendarExt/MMM-CalendarExt2
This module is a plugin of MMM-CalendarExt/MMM-CalendarExt2 modules. So it couldn't work standalone. You need MMM-CalendarExt or MMM-CalendarExt2
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
These values are defined as default. You don't need to copy entire things. Just select what you need.
defaults: {
locale: null,
// if null, locale of system default will be used.
// e.g) "en-US", "de-DE", "ko-KR", ...
dynamicEventColor: ["#333", "#F3F"],
// if null, only circle border will be shown when event exists.
// You can use color name or rgb(), rgba() CSS functions.
// e.g) ["LightRed", "DarkBlue"]
maxItems: 100,
// if you need, give enough counts. This value would be related with performance.
refreshInterval: 60*10*1000,
// milliseconds. Do you really need
titleFormat: "MMMM",
// the formatter rule of `moment.js`
weekdayFormat: "dd",
//"dd", "ddd", "dddd",
dateFormat: "D",
//D, Do, DD.
// I believe it's better to leave `weekdayFormat` and `dateFormat` as current values.
calendars: [], // names of calendar in your MMM-CalendarExt/MMM-CalendarExt2
// Use when you need only specific calendars.
source: "CALEXT2",
// or "CALEXT"
See MMM-CalendarExtMinimonth.css