
Read the skeleton files provided in NTU RGB skeleton dataset and draw the skeleton on the corresponding RGB video.

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Read the .skeleton file provided in NTU RGB skeleton dataset and get the x and y coordinates of the skeleton points in each frame for each subjects. Usage python read_skeleton.py --skel=PATH TO .SKELETON FILE
  2. Read both the .skeleton file and the corresponding RGB video file provided in NTU RGB skeleton dataset to draw the skeleton joints as defined in their research paper here : http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2016/papers/Shahroudy_NTU_RGBD_A_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf Usage : python read_skeleton.py --skel=PATH TO .SKELETON FILE --video=PATH TO .AVI FILE
  3. Optional arguments : a)python read_skeleton.py --skel=PATH TO .SKELETON FILE --video=PATH TO .AVI FILE --frame_height=FRAME HEIGHT --frame_width=FRAME WIDTH to control the height and width of the displayed frame. b) python read_skeleton.py --skel=PATH TO .SKELETON FILE --subject_ID to get each subject's ID from each frame.
    c) python read_skeleton.py --skel=PATH TO .SKELETON FILE --video=PATH TO .AVI FILE --save to save the video on the disk.

Sample Outputs

Output 1 Output 2 Output 3 Output 4 Output 5 Output 6
