
GDPR fragment dialog implementation

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GDPRDialog Release

Simple reusable DialogFragment.

GDPR Demo1 GDPR Demo2

What it offers

This library offers following:

  • supports DialogFragment or BottomSheetDialogFragment style
  • supports multiple services, already defined ones are AdMob and Firebase
  • supports custom service definitions
  • is set up via a setup class that allows you to select which possibilities you give the user - any combination of personalised ads, non personalised ads and paid version, depending on what you want. Examples:
    • allow personalised ads or paid version only
    • allow personalised ads, non personalised ads or paid or free version
    • combine whatever you want here...
  • optionally enable google's check if user is requesting consent form within the EAA (be careful when using this)
  • optionally adds a Checkbox for age confirmation
  • uses soft opt in by default if you offer e.g. a personalised ads vs non personalised ads version
  • it closes the app if the user did not give any consent (i.e if the user clicks the back button in the dialog)
  • it manages the user's selected consent decision and remembers it
  • it automatically reshows the dialog if the user did not give any consent or if the setup defines that the app is not allowed to be used without ads and the user has not accepted ads at all yet

GDPR and law safety

Such dialogs must always be adjusted to the use case in general, although this one should be fine in most cases.

Checkout following to find out more:

Just to make this clear, I'm no lawyer, so don't take anything I write for granted! It should be fine, but there is no guarantee.

Gradle (via JitPack.io)

  1. add jitpack to your project's build.gradle:
repositories {
    maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
  1. add the compile statement to your module's build.gradle:
dependencies {
     implementation 'com.github.MFlisar:GDPRDialog:0.5.3'


  1. Init the singleton in your application
  1. call following in your activities onCreate
GDPRSetup setup = new GDPRSetup(GDPRDefinitions.ADMOB); // add all networks you use to the constructor, signature is `GDPRSetup(GDPRNetwork... adNetworks)`
setup.withPrivacyPolicy("www.my-privacy-policy.com");   // provide your own privacy policy, optional but very recommended
// optionally change setup:
// setup.withAllowNoConsent(true);
// setup.withPaidVersion(allowNonPersonalisedOptionAsWell);
// setup.withExplicitAgeConfirmation(true);
// setup.withCheckRequestLocation(true);
// setup.withBottomSheet(true);
// setup.withForceSelection(true);
// setup.withCustomDialogTheme(theme);
GDPR.getInstance().checkIfNeedsToBeShown(this /* extends AppCompatActivity & GDPR.IGDPRCallback */, setup);
  1. implement the GDPR.IGDPRCallback in your activity
public class ExampleActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements GDPR.IGDPRCallback {
    public void onConsentInfoUpdate(GDPRConsent consentState, boolean isNewState) {
        // handle consent here
    public void onConsentNeedsToBeRequested() {
        // we need to get consent, so we show the dialog here
        GDPR.getInstance().showDialog(this, mSetup);

Check out the demo for a full working example


  • translations
    • english
    • german
    • others