
Practice with NodeJS, express, and authenticating users

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Member's Only Application

This application helped solidfy my understanding of Node/Express, passport.js, bcrypt.js, mongoDB and practice writing in PUG. Specifically I learned the difficulties in assigning certain tiers of access and privledges to individual users and making sure those privledges were accessible.

The idea is that this is a member's only posting board. Non-users can view messages but cannot see who posted or when it was posted. Users are able to sign up onto the website, where the user's login information is saved, and hashed for security. Once signed on users are able to post on the forum. However they are still not offically members until they enter in the secret passcode to become members. There is also an admin privledge that is awarded to those who enter in the correct password as well.

Tech/framework used

Vue 2

Hosted Demo

Hosted on Heroku!


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.