
This bot analyzes a user's tinder profile using two different machine learning methods:

  1. TextBlob uses NLP to get sentiment of text data (user.bio)
  2. CNN trained on tinder faces labeled = ['happy', 'neutral']

The model's architecture is a less deep and less perfected version of VGG-16's Alt text

Currently using predictions from a transfer learned version of InceptionV3 by google while I get the hyperparams of the model above down.

Coded with love <3, coffee and Lady Gaga


To run this bot, you need to make the folders

  • all_faces/
    • -happy_imgs/
    • -neutral_imgs/
  • db/

you will also need the requirements which I cba to write out

  1. Call 'connect.py' and use --help to guide you through it. This will make a creds.txt file for you
  2. auto_liker.py will like all users and add their data to the DB
  3. auto_mess.py is the message responder, sends new matches their stats

Currently you need to run auto_mess.py all the time, and it will get http errors - working on a fix


read notes.txt if you really care


Thank You Mary for tinderpro

  1. Pynder by charlie/wolf - git clone the repo
  2. Tensorflow - Google
  3. TextBlob