
ON TO 2050 indicators help measure the progress of plan implementation

ON TO 2050 Indicators

With its many partners and stakeholders, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) began to develop the ON TO 2050 comprehensive plan in 2015. The three-year process was highly transparent, featuring extensive research, analysis, and public engagement. The resulting plan was adopted on October 10, 2018, and builds on the agency’s first comprehensive regional plan, GO TO 2040, which was released in 2010 and updated in 2014. Adoption of the plan guides transportation investments and frames regional priorities on development, the environment, the economy, and other issues affecting quality of life.

Where possible, each ON TO 2050 recommendation is tracked by one or more indicators to set targets and monitor progress. Because changes to patterns of development or mobility take time, the plan designates targets for both 2025 and 2050. Most important, these targets are not simple forecasts of current trends; they instead represent optimistic, but achievable, outcomes that assume the implementation of ON TO 2050. To provide consistency over time, many indicators have been carried forward from GO TO 2040, the predecessor to this plan, with some improved data sources or analytical approaches. Read more in the ON TO 2050 Indicators Appendix.

This repository includes the ON TO 2050 indicator data in CSV format. Each CSV is in a folder with a readme.md file containing relevant context and metadata. The data provided is generally only the final indicator values, not any underlying source data (which is often very large and/or restricted). Each indicator will be updated as new source data becomes available, in order to track the implementation progress of the plan. Unless othwerwise noted, each indicator represents the seven Illinois counties composing the CMAP region: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will.

This repository's docs folder includes code for a dashboard website that dynamically generates charts for each indicator directly from their CSV files.

List of folders and the indicators they contain

Note: Indicators in italics are secondary indicators, which do not have any future targets associated with them.

Folder Indicator(s)
access-to-parks • Access to Parks
Access to Parks in Economically Disconnected Areas
board-member-training • Local Governments That Train Appointed Board Members
commute-time-race-ethnicity Average Journey to Work Time by Race and Ethnicity
conserved-land-acres • Acres of Conserved Land
Protected Share of CMAP Conservation Areas Layer
educational-attainment • Educational Attainment
Educational Attainment by Race and Ethnicity
farmland-acres • Acres of Farmland Used to Harvest Produce for Direct Human Consumption
greenhouse-gas-emissions • Greenhouse Gas Emissions
highway-congestion-hours • Average Congested Hours of Weekday Travel for Limited Access Highways
household-income-race-ethnicity Real Median Household Income by Race and Ethnicity
housing-transportation-percent-income • Percentage of Income Spent on Housing and Transportation by Moderate- and Low-Income Residents
Percent of Income Spent on Housing and Transportation by Moderate- and Low-Income Households by Race and Ethnicity
impervious-area • Acres of Impervious Area
income-inequality Gini Coefficient
infill-development • Share of New Development Occurring in Highly and Partially Infill Supportive Areas
Share of New Infill Development Occurring in Economically Disconnected Areas
manufacturing-exports Manufacturing Exports
mean-household-income Change in Mean Household Income Since 2006 by Quintile
nhs-bridges • Percentage of NHS Bridge Area in Poor Condition
nhs-pavement • Percentage of NHS Pavement in Poor Condition
non-residential-market-value Change in Non-Residential Market Value in Disinvested and Economically Disconnected Areas
non-single-occupancy-modes • Percent of Trips to Work via Non-SOV Modes
patenting-activity • Patenting Activity
population-jobs-transit-availability • Population and Jobs with at Least Moderately High Transit Availability
preventable-hospitalizations-race-ethnicity Preventable Hospitalizations by Race and Ethnicity
rail-crossing-delay • Motorist Delay at Highway-Rail Grade Crossings
regional-trails • Percentage of Regional Greenways and Trails Plan Completed
reliable-interstate-travel • Percentage of Person-Miles Traveled on the Interstate System with Reliable Travel Time
state-revenue-disbursement • Municipalities with Per Capita State Revenue Disbursement Below 80 Percent of Regional Median
stem-employment • Employment in STEM Occupations
terminal-carload-transit • Chicago Terminal Carload Transit Time
traffic-fatalities • Number of Traffic Fatalities
traffic-signals • Number of Traffic Signals with Transit Priority and/or Queue Jumping
transit-preference • Miles of Roadway with Transit Preference
transit-repair • Transit Asset State of Good Repair
unemployment-race-ethnicity Unemployment by Race and Ethnicity
unlinked-transit-trips • Annual Unlinked Transit Trips
venture-capital-funding • Venture Capital Funding
walkable-areas • Population and Jobs Located in Highly Walkable Areas
water-demand • Water Demand
Lake Michigan Withdrawals
Deep Bedrock Aquifer Withdrawals
watersheds-low-imperviousness • Regional Land in Watersheds Below 25 Percent Impervious Coverage
workforce-participation • Workforce Participation
Workforce Participation by Race and Ethnicity
docs Not an indicator -- code for the indicator dashboard