Environment Driven Assets is a FabricMC mod that allows to load env.json files in order to redirect Minecraft Vanilla Asset Types based on the environment context.
Environment Driven Assets loads in a complete client-sided environment, which allows users to play on their favorite servers with it.
Environment Driven Assets is highly Work-In-Progress! A lot of features are not currently implemented.
Currently, the mod only allows to redirect Block Models (json) and Item Models (json).
Next features like BlockState redirections or Texture redirections are under development.
You will have to look at the env.json wiki.
Note that Environment Driven Assets currently only loads env.json files present under the
asset directory and the <namespace>/models/item
[<img src="https://github.com/MModding/env-driven-assets/blob/main/external/promo/badge.png?raw=true" width="256" alt="Recommands Environment Driven Assets">](https://modrinth.com/mod/env-driven-assets)
Environment Driven Assets provides a Built-In Resource Pack named "Environment Driven New Default" which showcases some features that Resource Pack Creators can use for their Resource Packs.